Updates History
Version 17039
December 30, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. Magento (bridge integration)
Added support for returns (only for Magento 2 EE).
2. WooCommerce (bridge integration)
Added support for returns.
3. Bigcommerce
Added support for the customer.address.add method.
4. Amazon SP API
Added support for the following methods:
- product.variant.update
5. Shopline
Added support for the following methods:
- cart.coupon.add
- cart.coupon.list
- cart.coupon.delete
- cart.coupon.condition.add
6. Lazada
Added support for the following methods:
- product.add
- product.delete
- product.variant.add
- product.variant.delete
- product.child_item.info
- product.brand.list
- order.shipment.list
- order.shipment.info
- order.shipment.add
- product.image.add
- product.image.delete
- product.variant.image.add
- product.variant.image.delete
7. Zoho
Added support for the following methods:
- account.cart.list
- account.cart.add
- account.config.update
- account.supported.platforms
- cart.validate
- cart.delete
- cart.methods
- cart.info
- order.list
- order.info
- order.shipment.list
- order.shipment.info
- product.list
- product.info
- product.child_item.list
- product.child_item.info
- category.add
- category.update
- category.delete
- category.assign
- category.unassign
- category.image.add
- category.image.delete
8. Shoplazza
Added support for the following methods:
- product.add
- product.delete
- product.vatiant.add
- product.vatiant.delete
- product.update
- product.variant.update
- customer.add
- customer.update
- customer.address.add
- webhook.list
- webhook.count
- webhook.create
- webhook.update
- webhook.delete
- cart.giftcard.list
- cart.script.list
- cart.meta_data.list
- product.image.add
- product.image.update
- product.image.delete
9. Ecwid
Added support for the product.update method
10. Other changes:
The invoice_link additional field was added to the order.list, order.info method for the WooCommerce and Prestashop platforms.
Version 17012
November 30, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. Lazada
Added support for the following methods:
- product.list
- product.info
- product.count
- product.child_item.list
- product.child_item.info
- category.list
- category.info
- category.count
- order.list
- order.info
- order.count
- order.status.list
2. Bigcommerce
Added support for the following methods:
- cart.coupon.add
- cart.coupon.delete
- cart.coupon.condition.add
- cart.giftcard.add
- cart.giftcard.delete
Added support for the tracking_link parameter in the order.shipment.add and order.shipment.update methods.
Improved the performance of the product.list method.
3. Amazon SP API
No longer requires an AWS account to connect a store. The connection instructions have been updated. How to connect Amazon SP-API to API2Cart?
4. Shopify, WooCommerce (bridge integration)
Added support for the tracking_link parameter in the order.shipment.add and order.shipment.update methods
5. Shopline
Added support for the following methods:
- cart.giftcard.add
- cart.giftcard.list
- cart.giftcard.count
6. Shoplazza
Added support for the following methods:
- account.cart.list
- account.cart.add
- account.config.update
- account.supported.platforms
- product.child_item.info
- cart.validate
- cart.delete
- cart.methods
- cart.info
- product.list
- product.info
- product.count
- product.find
- product.child_item.list
- product.child_item.info
- order.list
- order.info
- order.count
Version 16987
October 30, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. Shopline
Added support for the following methods:
- subscriber.list
2. Shopify
Added support for the following methods:
- order.return.add
- order.return.update
- return.status.list
- return.reason.list
- return.list
- return.info
3. Bol
Added support for the following methods:
- order.return.add
- return.status.list
- return.list
- return.info
4. Prestashop (bridge integration)
Added support for the following methods:
- return.status.list
- return.list
- return.info
- return.count
- order.return.add
- order.return.update
5. Wix
Added support for the following methods:
- product.delete
- order.shipment.delete
6. Lazada
Added support for the following methods:
- account.cart.list
- account.cart.add
- account.config.update
- account.supported.platforms
- cart.validate
- cart.delete
- cart.methods
- cart.info
7. WooCommerce (bridge integration)
The category.add, category.update, category.delete methods now trigger a WooCommerce hook if the bridge version 145+ is installed on the store.
8. Etsy API v3
Added support for the following methods:
- order.update
9. Other changes:
Added support for identifiers (UPC/EAN/GTIN/MPN/ISBN) for different platforms in the product.add, product.update, variant.add, variant.update methods, as well as output in product.list, product.info, product.child_item.list, product.child_item.info, list of platforms:
- WooСommerce
- Bigcommerce
- Shopware
- Prestashop
- OpenCart
- Demandware
Added the user_agent parameter to the account.cart.add, account.cart.config.update methods for all self-hosted (non-cloud) platforms. Now you can specify your own user-agent header, which will be used in API requests from API2Cart to the store. Sometimes this helps to avoid problems with the firewall on the store.
Version 16961
September 30, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. Amazon SP API
Added support for the following methods:
- product.add
- category.list
- category.info
- category.count
- category.find
2. Prestashop (bridge integration)
Added support for the following methods:
- cart.coupon.add
- cart.coupon.condition.add
- product.variant.delete
3. Prestashop API (API integration)
Added support for the following methods:
- product.attribute.list
- product.attribute.value.set
- product.attribute.value.unset
- product.brand.list
- attribute.add
- attribute.delete
- attribute.list
- attribute.info
- attribute.count
- attribute.type.list
- product.image.add
4. WooCommerce (bridge integration)
Added support for the following methods:
- product.variant.delete
- category.unassign
Added support for webhooks for categories.
4. WooCommerce API (API integration)
Added support for the following methods:
- attribute.add
- attribute.update
- attribute.list
- attribute.info
- attribute.count
- attribute.type.list
5. Shopware (bridge integration)
Added support for the following methods:
- order.shipment.info/delete/tracking.add
- order.shipment.info/delete/tracking.add
- order.shipment.info/delete/tracking.add
- product.add ( 5+ version)
Added support for the following parameters to the customer.update method
- group_id
- tags
- gender
- store_id
6. Shopware API (API integration)
Added support for the following methods:
- cart.meta_data.list
- cart.meta_data.set
- cart.meta_data.unset
- product.brand.list
- product.manufacturer.add
7. Shopify
Improved the performance of the category.list method.
8. Zid
Added support for the following methods:
- cart.script.list
- cart.script.add
- cart.script.delete
Added support for webhooks.
10. Other changes:
Added support for the is_virtual parameter to the product.add, product.update methods for the following platforms:
- Magento
- Prestashop
- Shopify
- Shopline
- WooCommerce
- Zid
Plugin Builder now has a changelog for each plugin.
Version 16937
August 30, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. Shopware (API integration)
Added support for webhooks for the following entities: product, category, customer for Shopware 6.5.0+
2. Opencart, Prestashop (bridge integration)
Added the stores_ids parameter to the category.add method.
3. Woocommerce (bridge integration)
Added the output of the customer's IP address in the basket.add, basket.update webhooks.
4. Woocommerce API (API integration)
Added support for the following methods:
- category.add
- category.update
- category.delete
- category.assign
- category.unassign
- category.image.add
- category.image.delete
- cart.coupon.add
- cart.coupon.delete
- cart.coupon.condition.add
- cart.script.list
- cart.script.add
- cart.script.delete
- cart.meta_data.set
- cart.meta_data.unset
- customer.update
- product.delete
- product.image.update
- product.image.delete
5. Shopify
Improved the performance of the product.list method.
6. eBay
Added the output of the refunds field to the order.list, order.info methods.
7. Zid
Added support for the following methods:
- product.variant.update
- product.variant.delete
- order.abandoned.list
- category.assing
- category.unassing
Added support for webhooks for the following entities: order, customer, product, category.
8. Amazon SP API
The product.update method now works faster, and support for product.delete has also been added
9. Bigcommerce
Added the output of the store_ids and origin_store_id fields to the customer.list, customer.info methods.
Version 16912
July 30, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. xt-Commerce
Optimized the performance of methods
Added support for version 6.5.3
Updated the bridge version to 142
2. Shopware 5 (bridge integration)
Added support for the methods:
- product.image.add
- product.image.update
- product.image.delete
3. Shopware API (API integration)
The support of the following methods has been added:
- order.financial_status.list
- product.attribute.list
- product.child_item.find
- tax.class.info
4. Walmart
Added the output of refunds to the methods order.list, order.info
Added the filtering parameter avail_view for product.list
Added the output of inventory to product.list
5. Magento (bridge integration)
Added the output of the fields orders_count and last_order_id to the methods customer.list, customer.info
6. Magento 2 API (API integration)
Added the methods basket.info, basket.item.add
7. Zid
Added support for the methods:
- product.add
- product.update
- product.delete
- product.image.add
- product.image.update
- product.image.delete
8. Flipkart
Added support for the methods:
- account.cart.list
- account.cart.add
- account.config.update
- account.supported.platforms
- cart.validate
- cart.delete
- cart.methods
- order.list
- order.info
- order.status.list
- order.shipment.list
- order.shipment.info
9. Other changes:
Asymmetric encryption on the bridge. Starting with version 141 of the bridge, the data transmitted through it will be encrypted.
Added the output of the fields order_product_id to the methods order.shipment.list, order.shipment.info for the platforms:
- Shopware
- Prestashop
- Squarespace
- Neto
- Walmart
- Ecwid
Version 16890
June 30, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. Shopline
Added support methods:
- order.add
- order.update
- product.variant.add
- product.variant.update
- product.variant.delete
Added support methods cart.meta_data.set, cart.meta_data.unset for next entity: category, product, customer, order
2. Shopware 5,6 (bridge integration)
Added parameter address for method customer.update
Added methods:
- customer.address.add
- customer.find
- customer.group.list
- product.child_item.find
- variant.delete
- product.brand.list
- product.manufacturer.add
- product.review.list
3. Shopware 6 (bridge integration)
Added support methods:
- product.image.add
- product.image.update
- product.image.delete
4. Shopware API (API integration)
Added support methods:
- customer.update
- customer.address.add
- customer.group.list
- product.image.add
- product.image.update
- product.image.delete
- product.review.list
5. Prestashop (bridge integration) and Prestashop API (API integration)
Corrected the functionality of the parameter password in the customer.addmethod
Added field output tax_id, identification_number in the customer.list, customer.info, order.list.info methods
6. Woocommerce (bridge integration)
Improved the performance of the method order.list
7. Woocommerce (bridge integration) and Woocommerce API (API integration)
Added support plugin Woocommerce Product Bundles in the product.list, product.info method added field group_items
8. Squarespace
Added support of webhooks, the following events are supported: order.add, order.update
9. Bol
The following methods have been added:
- account.cart.add
- account.config.update
- account.supported.platforms
- cart.validate
- cart.delete
- cart.info
- product.list
- product.info
- product.count
- order.list
- order.info
- order.status.list
- order.update.json (only in status cancel) + order.shipment.add
- order.shipment.list
- order.shipment.info
10. Shopify
API2Cart now works with Shopify via the API version 2023-04.
Added support for the manage_stock parameter to the product.variant.add method.
11. Bigcommerce
The store_id parameter has been added to the category.list, category.info, category.count, category.add methods.
The store_ids field has been added to the response of the product.list, product.info methods.
The sales channels information is now displayed in the stores_info field in the response of the cart.info method.
Added support for multistock inventory:
- The warehouses field is filled in the cart.info response.
- The warehouse_id parameter has been added to the product.add, product.update, product.variant.add, product.variant.update methods.
- The inventory field is filled in the product.list, product.info, product.child_item.list, product.child_item.info responses.
12. Other changes
Fixed the logging of Shipping Service Logs (Live Shipping rates) - New fields have been added to the logs: : Error Code, Error Message
Added a new general grid API Logs (Developers->API Logs)
Version 16863
May 31, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. Added support customer.address.add method for platforms: Magento, Opencart, Prestashop and Shopify.
2. The following methods have been added for the new platform Shopline:
- account.cart.add
- account.cart.config.update
- cart.info
- cart.validate
- cart.meta_data.list
- customer.add
- customer.update
- customer.address.add
- order.list
- order.info
- order.count
- order.abandoned.list
- order.transaction.list
- product.list
- product.info
- product.count
- product.add
- product.update
- product.delete
- customer.list
- customer.info
- customer.count
- product.child_item.list
- product.child_item.info
- order.shipment.list
- order.shipment.info
- category.list
- category.info
3. Variant.add method has been added for Shift4Shop.
4. The support of the following methods has been added for Prestashop:
- category.image.add
- category.image.delete
5. In customer.update added support for email, phone, address_book parameters for Bigcommerce.
6. Order.refund.add method has been added for Magento 2 API .
7. Support for parameters last_name, first_name, birth_day has been added in the customer.update method for Prestashop.
8. Added support for width, height, length parameters in product.add, product.update and product.variant.add methods for Squarespace.
9. product.image.update and product.image.delete methods have been added for Squarespace.
10. Added support for modified_from and modified_to parameters in the order.list method for Walmart.
Version 16842
April 30, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. Product.child_item.list and product.child_item.info - added url field output for platforms: Woocommerce, Woocommerce API, Magento, Magento 2 API, Prestashop, Prestashop API, Amazon SP API, Bigcommerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Shopify, LightSpeed.
2. Support for the new response filter (response_fields parameter) for platforms: Opencart, Oscommerce, Oscmax, Creloaded, Zencart, Xcart, OXID, WP-ecommerce, Pinnacle, Zid, MercadoLibre, Wallmart, Volusion.
3. Added output of error statistics to the dashboard https://app.api2cart.com/dashboard/api-errors-statistics.
4. Added the ability to update customer phone and customer email in the customer.update method for platforms: Magento, Opencart, Woocommerce, Prestashop, Shopify.
5. Added customer.wishlist.list method support for platforms: Bigcommerce, WooCommerce, Magento, Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware), WooCommerce API.
6. Order.shipment.add method has been added for Shift4Shop REST API.
7. Added modified_from and modified_to parameters to product.list and product.count methods for Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware).
8. Added support for the manage_stock option in the product.add method for Shopify.
Version 16817
March 31, 2023Features Added/Updates:
1. Added functionality of webhooks when installing the plugin (to use, you need to regenerate the plugin in the Plugin Builder).
2. Support for the new response filter (response_fields parameter) for platforms: Shopware, Shopware API, Wix, Hybris, LightSpeed, Shift4Shop REST API, Ecwid, CommerceHQ, eBay, Amazon SP API, Squarespace
3. The support of the following methods has been added for Shopware 6:
- cart.meta_data.list
- cart.meta_data.set
- cart.meta_data.unset
4. The ability to update addresses for platforms has been added to the customer.update method for platforms:
- Shopify
- Woocommerce
- Magento
- Opencart
- Prestashop
5. Product.attribute.value.set and product.attribute.list methods have been added for Magento 2 API.
6. Output of service usage schedules on the dashboard has been added
7. Added the ability to work with variant and category metafields for Bigсommerce and Woocommerce.
8. The operation of the product.add method has been optimized for Prestashop.
9. Added parameters (address_book_tax_id address_book_identification_number) in customer.add method for Prestashop.
10. Added the ability to work with category metafields for Shopify.
11. Shopify’s metafields are displayed in the product.child_items.list and product.child_items.info methods in the custom_fields.