1. Metafields have been added to response structure in order.info and customer.info methods for Shopify.
2. The following methods have been optimized for Prestashop:
- order.list
- order.count
- order.info
- order.find
- order.shipment.list
- order.abandoned.list
- product.list
- product.info
- product.count
- product.find
3. Support of bundle products has been added to order.add method for Magento.
4. Webhooks for product.add, product.update, order.add and customer.add events have been added for WP eCommerce.
5. ShipByDate, guaranteedDelivery info has been added to response structure in order.list method for eBay.
6. We’ve added support of M2ePro plugin for Magento.
7. Bridge version has been updated. See the current bridge version here.