Updated 11 June 2023 | Natalia Vyshnevska

1. Added functionality of webhooks when installing the plugin (to use, you need to regenerate the plugin in the Plugin Builder).

2. Support for the new response filter (response_fields parameter) for platforms: Shopware, Shopware API, Wix, Hybris, LightSpeed, Shift4Shop REST API, Ecwid, CommerceHQ, eBay, Amazon SP API, Squarespace

3. The support of the following methods has been added for Shopware 6:

  • cart.meta_data.list
  • cart.meta_data.set
  • cart.meta_data.unset

4. The ability to update addresses for platforms has been added to the customer.update method for platforms:

  • Shopify
  • Woocommerce
  • Magento
  • Opencart
  • Prestashop

5. Product.attribute.value.set and product.attribute.list methods have been added for Magento 2 API.

6. Output of service usage schedules on the dashboard has been added

7. Added the ability to work with variant and category metafields for Bigсommerce and Woocommerce.

8. The operation of the product.add method has been optimized for Prestashop.

9. Added parameters (address_book_tax_id address_book_identification_number) in customer.add method for Prestashop.

10. Added the ability to work with category metafields for Shopify.

11. Shopify’s metafields are displayed in the product.child_items.list and product.child_items.info methods in the custom_fields.

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