1. Added support customer.address.add method for platforms: Magento, Opencart, Prestashop and Shopify.
2. The following methods have been added for the new platform Shopline:
- account.cart.add
- account.cart.config.update
- cart.info
- cart.validate
- cart.meta_data.list
- customer.add
- customer.update
- customer.address.add
- order.list
- order.info
- order.count
- order.abandoned.list
- order.transaction.list
- product.list
- product.info
- product.count
- product.add
- product.update
- product.delete
- customer.list
- customer.info
- customer.count
- product.child_item.list
- product.child_item.info
- order.shipment.list
- order.shipment.info
- category.list
- category.info
3. Variant.add method has been added for Shift4Shop.
4. The support of the following methods has been added for Prestashop:
- category.image.add
- category.image.delete
5. In customer.update added support for email, phone, address_book parameters for Bigcommerce.
6. Order.refund.add method has been added for Magento 2 API .
7. Support for parameters last_name, first_name, birth_day has been added in the customer.update method for Prestashop.
8. Added support for width, height, length parameters in product.add, product.update and product.variant.add methods for Squarespace.
9. product.image.update and product.image.delete methods have been added for Squarespace.
10. Added support for modified_from and modified_to parameters in the order.list method for Walmart.