1. xt-Commerce
Optimized the performance of methods
Added support for version 6.5.3
Updated the bridge version to 142
2. Shopware 5 (bridge integration)
Added support for the methods:
- product.image.add
- product.image.update
- product.image.delete
3. Shopware API (API integration)
The support of the following methods has been added:
- order.financial_status.list
- product.attribute.list
- product.child_item.find
- tax.class.info
4. Walmart
Added the output of refunds to the methods order.list, order.info
Added the filtering parameter avail_view for product.list
Added the output of inventory to product.list
5. Magento (bridge integration)
Added the output of the fields orders_count and last_order_id to the methods customer.list, customer.info
6. Magento 2 API (API integration)
Added the methods basket.info, basket.item.add
7. Zid
Added support for the methods:
- product.add
- product.update
- product.delete
- product.image.add
- product.image.update
- product.image.delete
8. Flipkart
Added support for the methods:
- account.cart.list
- account.cart.add
- account.config.update
- account.supported.platforms
- cart.validate
- cart.delete
- cart.methods
- order.list
- order.info
- order.status.list
- order.shipment.list
- order.shipment.info
9. Other changes:
Asymmetric encryption on the bridge. Starting with version 141 of the bridge, the data transmitted through it will be encrypted.
Added the output of the fields order_product_id to the methods order.shipment.list, order.shipment.info for the platforms:
- Shopware
- Prestashop
- Squarespace
- Neto
- Walmart
- Ecwid