
Updated 23 April 2021 | Lexy Mayko

No matter what weather is outside the windows, we are always in a sunshine mood to put a smile on your face with our weekly Api Digest. Let yourself have a rest and absorb today’s portion of API-dedicated articles.

Have you ever thought of or about Developer Experience (DX)? Jennifer Riggins seems to have been concerned with it for a while and provides us with a detailed insight into the issue. Read Why API Developer Experience Matters More Than Ever to deepen your knowledge on the topic.

Having been researching on APIs for his thesis, Zak Schwarzman is now willing to share his new and more profound understanding of API economy, which is absolutely worth reading. In order to find out more and learn the examples of big companies, visit his The Vertical API Opportunity. There you will also find a bonus in form of a presentation.

APIs are taking over the world and Ed Julson, a software industry veteran, has recently shared his article on the topic. Visit The Growing Imperative of APIs for the Enterprise page to read more.

Do you know what APIs from the point of view of a developer are? Colin Ulin does and so does he know how to manage your APIs. Take a look at the article and find three helpful tools every programmer has to know about.

Mike Stowe, a professional software engineer with 10+ years of PHP hacking experience, has been thinking about creating “an interactive client that is capable of updating its field requirements and validation depending on the resource scenario” instead of a truly dynamic one. Why and how? Read Code on Demand… Today to find out.

Asynchronous APIs Done Right is an article written by Dmitriy Setrakyan dwelling on an unusual-to-be-discussed topic, that is to say, making the same API operate either synchronously or asynchronously.

Décio Sousa is the last author the article of whose is going to be mentioned today. His REST API Evolution telling on API versioning makes the finishing touch of our Morning API Digest.

Here we are, finishing reviewing hot articles of the week. Let your day be warm and sunny.

Yours faithfully,

API2Cart team. 🙂

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