wix erp integration

Updated 24 November 2022 |

ERP software stands for Enterprise Resource Planning software and is a type of strategic business solution used by companies of all sizes. ERP helps coordinate and streamline a company's many different processes, such as finance, human resources, accounting, sales, and marketing. Many ERP software are available, but they all need to be integrated with different shopping platforms, such as Wix, to be effective for e-merchants.

Wix ERP integration allows ERP solutions access to data associated with orders, prices, and customer details across all Wix-powered online stores. This article explores the main benefits of developing a connection between your ERP software and the Wix platform, showing you the process for integrating the two.

The Main Features of ERP Software

ERP software is an invaluable tool for businesses seeking to grow their eCommerce presence. ERP, also known as Enterprise Resource Planning, provides users with a suite of features that can help manage daily tasks.

ERP software can help with accounting, shipping, and inventory management operations that are essential for a successful eCommerce business.

For example, ERP software allows users to keep up with their finances and make important decisions without spending time chasing down individual invoices or doing paperwork.

Also, the ERP system allows e-retailers not to be afraid of running out of some of their products unexpectedly or ordering far more than they can sell.

eCommerce ERP solutions also simplify the entire process of getting e-retailers’ products into customers' hands - from calculating shipping costs to evaluating the best delivery companies and getting the goods there on time.

ERP software provides these and other features, making it an essential tool for helping eCommerce businesses become more organized, efficient, and successful.

Any eCommerce ERP software must be integrated with various shopping platforms to perform all its features.

ERP software depends on the data it can get from e-stores built using various eCommerce platforms and marketplaces. One of the most popular shopping platforms nowadays is Wix, so we will explore in detail how to develop Wix ERP integration.

Wix Integration Meaning and The Main Benefits

Wix is a cloud-based eCommerce platform that allows users to create websites and mobile sites. Wix powers more than 7 million online stores worldwide. In the United States, it is highly popular and has more than 900,000 stores based on it. In the United Kingdom, there are 450,000 stores powered by Wix. In Brazil - 200,000 stores; in Australia - 155,000 stores; in Germany - 150,000 stores; in France - 142,000 stores.

Wix integration is a process of creating a connection between eCommerce software and the Wix platform for retrieving, modifying, adding, or deleting data from Wix online stores.

The Wix platform provides a RESTful API to access its online store data, which can be retrieved and modified using HTTP methods.

To grow a software business, you must find new ways to generate exposure and expand your reach. One way to do this is by developing Wix integration. Wix allows software companies to target a new group of potential customers who may not have heard of their business before, increasing their customer base and generating more revenue.

Wix integration can improve the functionalities of your software. For example, it allows you to access product, category, order, and customer data from the e-stores based on Wix. When your software has such data, it can perform its designated operations without fail and even help improve its productivity.

Difficulties Related to Wix Connection Development

Integrating a Wix platform can be challenging for any eCommerce software company. For example, Wix is constantly evolving, so keeping your integration up to date can take a lot of work.

In addition to the challenges of building and supporting Wix integration, there are costs associated with it. Integrating Wix with other systems can be costly to develop and maintain, but having a Wix integration can be a major benefit.

How to Build Wix ERP Integration

If you're looking to add value to your ERP software, integrating with Wix is a great way to do it. Wix offers a robust API that makes it easy to add features and functionality to your solution. And because Wix is a popular platform with a large user base, integrating with it can help you reach a wider audience.

Two ways to develop integrations with Wix are in-house or via third-party services. In-house integration development requires hiring a development team, who then must be trained on developing integration with Wix. This may be costly and time-consuming, but it gives you more control over the process and the finished product.

Third-party services provide ready-made integrations that you can use in your software. These services offer a faster, cost-effective, and more accessible option for integrating software systems with different shopping platforms.

API2Cart unified API simplifies the process of developing eCommerce integrations. It allows software vendors to work with multiple eCommerce platforms, including popular ones like Wix, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and X-Cart. This can save you much time and effort compared to developing each integration individually. Plus, API2Cart provides a number of other benefits, such as 24/7 customer support and regular updates.


API2Cart has over 100 API methods, enabling you to access all the data from your clients’ e-stores. Contact our experts to discuss how API2Cart can help you develop Wix ERP integration and other shopping platform integrations.

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