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API Technology

Anastasia Kholod

API is probably among the most hyped terms in the industry nowadays. And no wonder, as since the early days of digital technologies, developers have struggled to make various applications communicate with each other. And Application Programming Interface undergird the technical side of data sharing. API penetration into eCommerce world...

Anastasia Kholod

Have you ever heard about the 5 Axioms of the API Economy? These axioms are a joint post of Craig Burton, one of the leading visionaries and analysts in the computer industry and Steven Willmott, CEO at 3scale. Read the intro article about the API Economy at our blog. The...

Anastasia Kholod

Currently, digital humanity stands on the early stages of the next major Web revolution concerning new forms of interactivity. IoT, various mobile apps, new types of devices, etc. - all cause the reinvention of the Internet. So, merchants have to keep the eyes open in order not to live out...

Anastasia Kholod

Recently, we have begun new series of articles concerning 5 Axioms of the API Economy. These axioms appear to be a joint post of Craig Burton, one of the leading visionaries and analysts in the computer industry and Steven Willmott, CEO at 3scale. You may find the intro article about...

Anastasia Kholod

Are you ready for a new portion of enhancements from API2Cart Team? We are like a Santa that brings presents before Christmas. Our developers have kept the nose to the grindstone making the service more convenient to extend your integration possibilities. For now on, integration with WooCommerce and xt:Commerce Veyton...

Anastasia Kholod

Various devices, cloud infrastructure, sensors, online business tools, etc - these are things that surround our day-to-day. But have you ever wondered which technology lies behind the progress? The answer is “IoT”. It is an abbreviation meaning the Internet of things that appears to be the word of hype and...

Anastasia Kholod

In the new mobile era of online trade, there is an increased demand for m-store solutions. Building mobile apps requires faster work and accessing various data effectively. This is where API management comes into play, as it plays a crucial role in integrating data for mobile app development. Engaging mobile...

Anastasia Kholod

In today's highly developed Web world the usage of API is growing rapidly, increasing the popularity of the software and making it a wow service. However, it’s not easy to gain acceptance and persuade developers to choose your solution over competitors’ ones. This means that you have to deserve the...

Anastasia Kholod

JSON vs XML. Find out the difference between them and explore their main advantages. Since the early days of computing, developers are witnessing various data interchange formats that are presented in the digital infrastructure. And it’s not surprising that such diversity still underpins things currently. However, there are prominent historical...

Anastasia Kholod

Perhaps, there is no man in the whole world, who wouldn’t have locked his property under seven seals, protecting it from thieves. Various locks and padlocks, solid construction doors, windows with burglar-resistant glass, alarm systems and much more are used to ensure security. Wonder how all these anticrime measures refer...

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