etsy ecommerce integration

Updated 8 May 2024 |

Selling physical products on Etsy is definitely a choice most people don’t regret making. In fact, with over 39 million buyers worldwide, Etsy is the right place to sell.

Retailers that use Etsy need software that can help them to organize their operations connected with managing their inventory, orders, prices, email sending, etc. They are searching for solutions like shipping management, WMS, marketing automation, video commerce platform, AR solutions, pricing software. This is where you can come in. You can provide your services to Etsy sellers and enable them to outstrip their competition.

As a SaaS app provider, you need to have that allows you to manage information connected with orders, customers, shipments, products, etc. Without that, you won’t be able to provide your functionality to the retailers who use this marketplace. However, developing such kind of integration is a technologically complex process that requires a lot of time.

That’s where we come in. allows you to use 100+ methods of retrieving and managing the data from retailers’ e-stores. With our eCommerce integration solution, you can connect your software with Etsy easily and fast. Etsy eCommerce integration makes it possible for you to satisfy the needs of the owners who use Etsy for their business activity and increase your profits. This is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Why is Etsy so Successful Today?

Etsy is a large eCommerce marketplace founded back in 2005 in New York. On this platform, sellers can create their own sites and sell their handmade goods. Etsy enables users to organize their products into various lists and collections.

Etsy started out small as a platform for crafts and artisans. It soon grew into the biggest marketplace for authentic goods. People from all over the globe viewed Etsy as an antidote to corporate branding and global mass production. However, the more this marketplace grew, the more it diversified.

According to , more than 2 million sellers from 234 countries sell their goods through this platform. That is why Etsy eCommerce integration can help SaaS app companies as you dramatically increase market share and expand the pool of customers. Connection with Etsy allows you to provide high-end software services to millions of merchants who use this marketplace.

What is Etsy eCommerce Integration?

Etsy eCommerce integration is the process of tying any SaaS applications with this global online marketplace. As a software provider, you’ll be able to easily manage all the data connected to orders, products, shipments, customers, and baskets.

More specifically, you’ll make your app much better and enable it to offer more complex services for your customers. This whole process can be really simple with API2Cart. You’ll be able to benefit from a unified API provided by API2Cart as that eliminates your needs to integrate with Etsy and 40+ shopping platforms separately. This means you’ll also be able to connect your software with other platforms and marketplaces like eBay, Shopify, Woocommerce, Bigcommerce, Opencart, X-cart, Prestashop, etc.

Etsy eCommerce integration is perfect for software providers such as marketing automation, warehouse management, repricing, inventory management, order management, multi-channel, mobile app development, shipping management, and others.

As a SaaS app provider, you can leverage the following benefits by integrating your solution with Etsy:

  • expand your pool of prospective customers and become available for over 2 million Etsy retailers;
  • expand your market share, as Etsy sells to people from over 234 countries;
  • extract and manipulate data easier and stay in control of all orders, customers, products, and categories from e-store of your clients;
  • expand your software features to attract even more customers;
  • increase your profits: integrating your SaaS solution with Etsy means thousands of new customers and a significant increase in revenue.

What are the Main Etsy Integration Difficulties you Should Expect?

Developing on your own is undoubtedly a tedious task. This marketplace has its own architecture and logic. Etsy eCommerce integration is also very costly and requires the skills of expert developers. Moreover, after the integration is finished, it continues to need maintenance, upgrades and fixes.

There are some issues connected with Etsy API. For example, its API Documentation doesn’t contain all the needed information for providing the integration easily. It causes a lot of developers’ time and extra investigations. Also, Etsy API behavior can be changed without any notifications.

The other difficulty of retrieving data from Etsy via its API connected with the absence of the relation between product variants and images. In addition to this, testing Etsy API is a really expensive process.

In order to avoid these Etsy integration difficulties, all you need to do is to use API2Cart.

How to Simplify the Integration Process?

There is no doubt that setting up your own integration with Etsy requires a great deal of time, money and effort. Integration also requires constant upgrades, maintenance, and care. In order to simplify the integration process, you should try the API2Cart solution.

, you can connect your SaaS app with Etsy and the other 40+ shopping platforms and marketplaces at one go.

With API2Cart you can save your time required for the integration with various shopping platforms, reduce your costs on developers’ salaries and forget about updating your code after shopping platforms versions updates.

We also give you 30 days to try our API for free and see how it works for your business. We offer flexible pricing and a whole lot of bonuses and cool features you can try right away.

Also, you can use our full 24/7 tech support and outstanding customer service so that you can fully maximize our tool and enjoy high-end integrations.

If you want to learn more about how we can benefit your B2B software business, do not hesitate to contact us now.

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