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Why API2Cart may need access to the online store or server?

In order to investigate issues and to troubleshoot reported problems, or download the connection bridge file API2Cart support technicians may require access to online store, web server and database.

We understand that this kind of access information is sensitive, and are best kept to a need-to-know basis. With this in mind, we will only require access to your online store where it is absolutely necessary.

We have taken every precaution to ensure that our systems which store access information is highly secure. However, there are additional precautions that we advise our customers take before providing us with access credentials.

In all cases where we require access to online store, we will make it clear to you exactly what access is needed, and why.

Summary of this FAQ

  • When providing a technician with access to your online store, it is always best to change the password of admin account been provided with a random password temporarily, while the issue is being traced by us.
  • Once your issue has been resolved, you should change the passwords of all provided accounts as soon as possible.
  • In all issues that require access to your online store, the technician will make it clear to you exactly what access we need.

Access to your online store

Depending on the task which needs to be performed, an API2Cart technician may require access to your online store. We strongly advise you to change the password of Admin/FTP accounts being provided with a random password for API2Cart support for the duration of the issue, with only the essential permissions to your online store.

  • Change the existing password of user/staff account with a random and complex password.
  • Once your issue has been resolved, you should change its password as soon as possible.

Access to a web-online store administrator account

More often than not, we will require access to an administrator account on your online store. Follow the steps outlined in the Access to your online store section of this article.

Access to an FTP or SSH account

In order to investigate the problems, API2Cart support may require access to the files of your online store installation. Follow the steps outlined in the Access to your online store section of this article.

Make sure that this account is a user-level account that has access to the directory in which your online store is installed, unless our technician specifically requests an unrestricted access account (see below).

'Root' (unrestricted access) to your server

If a technician asks for 'root access' to your server (a root account with unrestricted permissions), please do not be alarmed. Only in the rarest of cases will we ask for such access - i.e. when our ability to diagnose and resolve your issue absolutely requires it (such as generating or monitoring server logs, or making server configuration changes).

When providing us with root/unrestricted access to your server, it is imperative that you follow the temporary account creation steps outlined in the Access to your online store section of this article.

Firewalls and IP based authentication

If your systems are protected by IP address authentication (e.g. if you have a firewall), please let us know and we will provide you with the list of our office IP addresses to allow through.

Posted in: Security and Privacy