api blog posts

Updated 8 May 2020 | Lexy Mayko

There are only a few spring days left this year which gets us nostalgic about what has been done in these three months. This remembrance resulted in the blog post reviewing the tops of the period.

API security is a thing of fundamental importance. Why You Should Not Neglect API Security and When API Security Testing is Your Issue are two blog posts that will shed some light on the issue.

At the end of March, we came across a surprisingly detailed checklist for Java API design compiled by Ferenc Mihaly, a Senior Software Architect at OpenText Corporation. Click on Java API Design: A Checklist to Consider to find package, design and method design subchecklists with explanations given where needed.

Last month, Mike Stowe, a Developer Relations Manager at MuleSoft, gave us an interview. Click here to read some words about his newly released book on API design, funny career memories, and some common mistakes programmers make along with tools to make development easier.

Hypermedia APIs are easy to work with and may be just for you. Find out more about how they can help you save your time and effort as well as make both application and server more stable and secure. And if you are not decided on what media type to choose for you API, here is an article that you might find helpful.

HTTP/2 and its effect upon REST API have been lively discussed on the web. Tomash Sidey, a Tech Lead at API2Cart, contributed to the topic. His article What REST API Services Can Expect from HTTP/2 has won some love among readers and may win some of yours too.

Are you sure your API is truly RESTful? Is it so important for it to be so? Michael Bleigh provides the answers and What a REST API Really Is is where you can find them.

Every Monday API Digest reviews fresh API articles and news. Some of those most appreciated this spring are listed in reverse chronological order below:

Such were the most appreciated API blog posts of the last three months. Do not forget to come back to our blog to find more useful API articles.

If you have any questions regarding the work of our service and would like to know how to integrate with 40+ shopping carts at once, do not hesitate to schedule a FREE call with our representative.

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