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Zid API integration

Zid is a shopping platform trusted by 12,000 online merchants worldwide. Zid API integration allows you to enlarge the pool of your potential customers by 12,000, widen your functional range, and offer an enriched set of features.

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Supported versions: All

Zid Integration via API2Cart enables you to:

Zid Integration
  • retrieve and synchronize information on customers, products, categories, orders, abandoned carts, prices, etc.
  • use the data from Zid e-stores according to your business purpose
  • make updates on both sides
  • perform these operations with the information from innumerable stores located on 40+ other shopping platforms

Usage of API2Cart for integration with Zid and 40+ other platforms allows you to:

  • 1. Increase your market share

    Developing the integration with multiple shopping platforms allows you to work with retailers from different countries of the world

  • 2. Forget about integration maintenance

    Zid API integration via API2Cart allows you to forget about the necessity to support and update the connection every time the new version of a platform appears

  • 3. Use 100+ methods for managing the data

    API2Cart provides more than 100 API methods for working with product, order, customer, shipment and tax information retrieved from online stores

  • 4. Enjoy 24/7 customer support

    API2Cart is ready to help you with any difficulties connected with integration with Zid or any other supported shopping platform. You can contact us by chat, email or phone 24/7

API2Cart provides Zid integration for such kind of software providers:

logistics and supply chain management software

multi-channel ecommerce software

order fulfilment solutions

repricing and price optimization solutions

mobile commerce apps

email marketing

retail business intelligence and analytics software

your industry

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Enhance your functionality
Our unified API eliminates the need to develop separate integration with Zid and 40+ other platforms. Integrate once, get the data required from the platforms needed..
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Expand your market share
Win more clients by having access to data from stores built on the shopping cart they use. Zid integration means thousands of users need you.
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Reduce cost, save time
The API2Cart API will save you multiple integrations development costs and exclude the need to maintain each connection.

Use Total Cost of Ownership Calculator to compare the costs of developing in-house integration with multiple eCommerce platforms and via API2Cart

Use TCO Calculator

List of methods for Zid Integration

webhook icon


  • webhook.create

    Create webhook on the store and subscribe to it.
  • webhook.list

    List registered webhook on the store.
  • webhook.count

    Count registered webhooks on the store.
  • webhook.events

    List all Webhooks that are available on this store.
  • webhook.delete

    Delete registered webhook on the store.
  • webhook.update

    Update Webhooks parameters.
cart icon


  • cart.create

    Add store to the account
  • cart.validate

    Check store availability, bridge connection for the downloadable carts, identify DB prefix, validate API accesses for API carts.
  • cart.list

    Get list of supported carts
  • cart.bridge

    Get bridge key and store key
  • cart.delete

    Remove store from API2Cart
  • cart.disconnect

    Disconnect with the store and clear store session data.
  • cart.methods

    Get list of cart methods
  • cart.config

    Get list of cart configs
  • cart.config.update

    Use this API method to update custom data in client database.
  • cart.coupon.count

    Get cart coupons count.
  • cart.coupon.list

    Get cart coupon discounts.
  • cart.giftcard.count

    Get gift cards count.
  • cart.giftcard.list

    Get gift cards list.
  • cart.giftcard.add

    Create new gift card
  • cart.coupon.add

    Create new coupon
  • cart.coupon.condition.add

    Create new coupon condition
  • cart.coupon.delete

    Delete coupon
  • cart.catalog_price_rules.count

    Get count of cart catalog price rules discounts.
  • cart.catalog_price_rules.list

    Get cart catalog price rules discounts.
  • cart.script.list

    Get scripts installed to the storefront
  • cart.script.add

    Add new script to the storefront
  • cart.script.delete

    Remove script from the storefront
  • cart.info

    Get cart information
  • cart.clear_cache

    Clear cache on store.
  • cart.plugin.list

    Get list of installed plugins
  • cart.shipping_zones.list

    Get list of shipping zones
  • cart.meta_data.list

    Get entity meta data
  • cart.meta_data.set

    Set meta data for a specific entity
  • cart.meta_data.unset

    Unset meta data for a specific entity
  • bridge.download

    Download bridge for store
account icon


  • account.cart.list

    Get list of carts.
  • account.cart.add

    Add store to the account
  • account.config.update

    Update configs in the API2Cart database.
  • account.failed_webhooks

    List webhooks that was not delivered to the callback.
  • account.supported_platforms

    Get list of supported platforms
bridge icon


  • bridge.update

    Update bridge in the store.
  • bridge.delete

    Delete bridge from the store.
product icon


  • product.list

    Get list of products from your store. Returns 10 products by default.
  • product.count

    Count products in store.
  • product.info

    Get product info about product ID *** or specify other product ID.
  • product.find

    Search product in store catalog. 'Apple' is specified here by default.
  • product.fields

    Retrieve all available fields for product item in store.
  • product.add

    Add new product to store.
  • product.update

    Update price and quantity for a specific product
  • product.delete

    Product delete
  • product.price.add

    Add some prices to the product.
  • product.price.update

    Update some prices of the product.
  • product.price.delete

    Delete some prices of the product
  • product.image.add

    Add image to product
  • product.image.update

    Update details of image
  • product.image.delete

    Delete image
  • product.variant.image.add

    Add image to product
  • product.variant.image.delete

    Delete image to product
  • product.attribute.list

    Get list of attributes and values.
  • product.attribute.value.set

    Set attribute value to product.
  • product.attribute.value.unset

    Removes attribute value for a product.
  • product.option.add

    Add product option from store.
  • product.option.list

    Get list of options.
  • product.option.assign

    Assign option from product.
  • product.option.value.add

    Add product option item from option.
  • product.option.value.assign

    Assign product option item from product.
  • product.option.value.update

    Update product option item from option.
  • product.review.list

    Get reviews of a specific product.
  • product.variant.add

    Add variant to product.
  • product.child_item.info

    Get child for specific product.
  • product.child_item.list

    Get child items list of specific product(s).
  • product.child_item.find

    Search product child item (bundled item or configurable product variant) in store catalog.
  • product.variant.list

    Get list variants.
  • product.variant.info

    Get variant info.
  • product.variant.count

    Get count variants.
  • product.variant.update

    Update variant.
  • product.variant.delete

    Delete variant.
  • product.variant.price.add

    Add some prices to the product variant.
  • product.variant.price.update

    Update some prices of the product variant.
  • product.variant.price.delete

    Delete some prices of the product variant.
  • product.tax.add

    Add tax class and tax rate to store and assign to product.
  • product.manufacturer.add

    Add manufacturer to store and assign to product
  • product.brand.list

    Get list of brands from your store.
  • product.currency.add

    Add currency and/or set default in store
  • product.currency.list

    Get list of currencies
  • product.store.assign

    Assign product to store
category icon


  • category.list

    Get list of categories from store.
  • category.count

    Count categories in store.
  • category.info

    Get category info about category ID*** or specify other category ID.
  • category.find

    Search category in store. 'Laptop' is specified here by default.
  • category.add

    Add new category in store
  • category.update

    Update category in store
  • category.delete

    Delete category in store
  • category.assign

    Assign category to product
  • category.unassign

    Unassign category to product
  • category.image.add

    Add image to category
  • category.image.delete

    Delete image
order icon


  • order.count

    Count orders in store
  • order.list

    Get list of orders from store.
  • order.info

    Info about a specific order by ID
  • order.find

    This method is deprecated and won't be supported in the future. Please use 'order.list' instead.
  • order.add

    Add a new order to the cart.
  • order.update

    Update existing order.
  • order.status.list

    Retrieve list of statuses
  • order.financial_status.list

    Retrieve list of financial statuses
  • order.fulfillment_status.list

    Retrieve list of fulfillment statuses
  • order.abandoned.list

    Get list of orders that were left by customers before completing the order.
  • order.shipment.list

    Get list of shipments by orders.
  • order.shipment.info

    Get information of shipment.
  • order.shipment.add

    Add a shipment to the order.
  • order.shipment.update

    Update order's shipment information.
  • order.shipment.delete

    Delete order's shipment.
  • order.shipment.tracking.add

    Add order shipment's tracking info.
  • order.refund.add

    Add a refund to the order.
  • order.transaction.list

    Retrieve list of order transaction
  • order.preestimate_shipping.list

    Retrieve list of order preestimated shipping methods
basket icon


  • basket.live_shipping_service.list

    Retrieve a list of live shipping rate services. (Beta)
  • basket.info

    Retrieve basket information.
  • basket.live_shipping_service.create

    Create live shipping rate service. (Beta)
  • basket.live_shipping_service.delete

    Delete live shipping rate service. (Beta)
  • basket.item.add

    Add item to basket
customer icon


  • customer.list

    Get list of customers from store.
  • customer.count

    Get number of customers from store.
  • customer.info

    Get customers' details from store.
  • customer.find

    Find customers in store.
  • customer.add

    Add customer into store.
  • customer.update

    Update information of customer in store.
  • customer.group.list

    Get list of customers groups.
  • customer.group.add

    Create customer group.
  • customer.attribute.list

    Get attributes for specific customer
attribute icon


  • attribute.list

    Get attributes list
  • attribute.info

    Get attribute info
  • attribute.count

    Get attributes count
  • attribute.type.list

    Get list of supported attributes types
  • attribute.delete

    Delete attribute from store
  • attribute.add

    Add new attribute
  • attribute.update

    Update attribute data
  • attribute.assign.group

    Assign attribute to the group
  • attribute.assign.set

    Assign attribute to the attribute set
  • attribute.unassign.group

    Unassign attribute from group
  • attribute.unassign.set

    Unassign attribute from attribute set
  • attribute.group.list

    Get attribute group list
  • attribute.attributeset.list

    Get attribute_set list
tax icon


  • tax.class.info

    Get info about tax
subscriber icon


  • subscriber.list

    Get subscribers list