
Updated 5 September 2022 | Anastasia Kholod

Application Programming Interface or API has influenced the way we use various web and mobile applications allowing computer software to talk to each other. It can be claimed for sure that it is a revolution that has accelerated software development over the last 10 years. As a result, applications communicate in extremely new ways.

Day by day, we use our personal laptops or mobile phones in order to interact with our family members, friends or coworkers. But have you ever wonder what stands behind the scene? How do, actually, programs communicate?

API is a fundamental pillar of all the modern world that enables different soft talk to each other. Although, not all of us know that behind all that complex processes stands a mesh of various computers communicating with each other through a well-defined-structure, that is API.

Nowadays, API Economy is changing the way the whole world interacts. Photo sharing, online shopping, various payments, and much more is happening through Application Programming Interface. For the tech community, it’s obvious what an API presents, but for non-technical users, it’s quite complicated to understand why Application Programming Interface is so important. So, let’s look closer.

APIs as a Fundamental Pillar of a Software

Generally speaking, API appears to be a set of rules that define how one app communicates with another. When talking about the Web, we can distinguish API like a telephone system. For instance, one app wants to receive some information from another, it simply gets it by calling the seconds application’s API.

Let’s have a look at the simple example. If you want to build an app that allows publishing photos on your Facebook account with the location, you could use the Google Maps API to get the location details. When a user opens your application, the code will request Google Maps API to give the data you need.

So, if Google Maps hadn't offered an API, every mobile app or website would have built their own mapping system from scratch. Useless troubles, isn’t it? Josh Walker, an analyst at Forrester Research Inc. says that building an application with no APIs is basically like building a house with no doors.

API Integration

When we are talking about B2B services, it’s worth mentioning that integration with various shopping platforms and marketplaces is crucial as access to users data assets is highly important. So, if you provide an inventory and order management solution, data feed, dropshipping, mobile app builder or some other type of services, then your target audience is the e-Commerce merchants who sell various goods.

The main problem that occurs is performing integration with their stores on different shopping platforms. Furthermore, you might face even more challenges while maintaining connections, for example, when a new version of the platform or a new feature is added. All this can turn in real pain.

So, rather waste time on maintenance routine, it’s better to invest in core functionality. Finding a simple and cost effective way to establish data interaction will solve the problem. API2Cart appears to be such solution that allows to connect with 40+ shopping carts using single API.

API2Cart opens the “door“ for all needed information on different platforms including Magento, WooCommerce, Bigcommerce, Shopify, PrestaShop and many others.

If you have any questions concerning API2Cart functionality, don’t hesitate to schedule a call with our representative. We always strive to help you answering all dizzying questions.

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