3dcart api

Updated 4 July 2022 | Anastasia Kholod

Among hundreds of eCommerce platforms presented on the market nowadays, 3dcart is a hosted veteran currently powering more than 25,000 online shops. The number of its users keeps growing. So, integration with this shopping cart could be beneficial for order and data feed management, repricing and accounting systems and other B2B software providers. It could enhance their service functionality and get all the clients of the shopping platform as their potential customers.

In order to integrate with 3dcart software providers will need to work with its API (Application Programming Interface). If you’re one of them and going to connect to this platform, you need to know what you’ll have to deal with.

In this article, we will explain to you 3dcart’s API structure. Also, we'll mention the information that will help you to understand how to cooperate with it. So, let’s deep-dive into 3dcart REST-based API.

How 3dcart API Works?

3dcart REST API has foreseeable and resource-oriented URLs, and in order to present API errors, it uses HTTP response codes. It also supports the most common HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to be clear even with off-the-shelf HTTP clients.

3dcart API supports both JSON and XML formats. So, all responses from the API - including errors- can be sent in one of them.

To get started, you need to, first of all, pass registration at https://devportal.3dcart.com/. After you’re done with that, the next step is to add the app to your account and get private and public keys.

The private one allows your app to connect to 3dcart API. The public one authorizes your app to access the 3dcart merchant’s store data. After the vendor has subscribed to your app, appear another key - “token”. It’s required within your app to connect to 3dcart merchant’s store.

After the processes of registration and subscription are finished, you’ll have all the needed information for authentication with your API client. It includes:

  • secure URL (you can set it here: Settings->General->Store Settings)
  • private Key (you obtain it when registering your app)
  • token (it is generated when a customer authorizes your app)

In order to improve the support of backwards compatibility and be sure that API updates will not have a bad effect on the work of your app, 3dcart API needs you to specify the version you’re using in URL (e.g. ‘/3dcartWebAPI/v1/Customers’).

Another important feature of 3dcart Rest API is that it supports such OData (Open Data Protocol) queries as SELECT and ORDERBY. They act as extra filters of your API request as they are implemented on the outcome set that is returned in the API response.

That was the major information about 3dcart API that would be enough to understand the basics of how it works. If you would like to dive deeper into it, then you can simply visit 3dcart docs page.

How to Avoid 3dcart Integration Difficulties?

So, 3dcart API allows you to get access to the data of a certain Web store based on this shopping cart. This means that you can get information on products, orders, categories, customers, etc. You can use this data to create helpful and successful e-Commerce B2B solutions.

Integration with 3dcart is a great opportunity for providers in such fields as mobile or social commerce, inventory & order management, accounting, etc. It would open new horizons for that kind of B2B solutions and considerably enlarge the circle of potential clients, as well as expand the functionality of the business.

However, as one of such software providers, you will face many difficulties in the process of developing the integration module. Because you’ll need to find an experienced developer and spend much time to elaborate it. Also, it required further wasting of money for integration module maintaining and updating.

API2Cart will help you to avoid the problems related to the developing process and perform integration in the most reliable way. It is connected to 3dcart and enables you to extract all the necessary information from the stores based on this platform after the integration is done. Hence, you’ll be able to execute various operations with products, categories, customers, and orders.

Apart from 3dcart, the service is integrated with 40+ other popular shopping platforms such as WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, Bigcommerce, X-Cart, etc. Thus, thanks to its unified API, by integrating with 3dcart via API2Cart you will get an opportunity to work with all these platforms simultaneously.

If you would like to find out additional information on how API2Cart works, take a look at its documentation page. Do not hesitate to schedule a FREE consultation with our expert to have your questions answered.

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