API methods for order management

Updated 9 March 2022 | Khrystyna Oliinyk

Managing orders across different channels, aligning inventory and supply are the major challenges a lot of e-retail businesses face one day. Luckily, a solid eCommerce order management system (OMS) lets to fully optimize order management and fulfilment process. Through only one centralized place merchants can manage orders, customers, products, inventory and shipping from all sales channels, which is highly convenient.

To provide the functionality outlined above, each order management software needs to use the data from stores which are based on a certain shopping platform.

API2Cart provides a unified API to integrate with all leading eCommerce platforms including Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, Amazon, and many others. It has a full set of methods to retrieve, add, and update the needed data from these platforms’ databases.

Let’s dig deeper into these methods API2Cart provides for order management systems:

For working with orders:

For working with products:

One more benefit order management system enables retailers to do within its system is managing products. The needed data OMS can get with the following API2Cart’s methods:

for working with currencies and prices:

For working with categories:

API2Cart’s webhooks for order management system

One more great benefit API2Cart provides for order management system is order.update webhook which notifies every time the order gets updated (including its status changes). Besides, it allows to inform customers about their orders’ statuses, instantly create orders, send invoices or pass orders to shipping services right away.

As inventory control is one of the aspects of OMS functionality, with API2Cart’s webhook it’s easy to keep the stock level up-to-date, change inventory levels whenever the order is placed or change partner merchant.

Find all supported methods here or in our documentation. In case you have any questions, you can schedule a call with our representative to get more details on how API2Cart can help your business.

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