eCommerce developer

Updated 29 September 2020 | Anastasia Kholod

We are glad to be back with our fresh monthly eCommerce news for you. So, for this time we prepared for you next articles:

  • Confessions of an eCommerce developer;
  • Here's how small businesses beat the eCommerce big guys;
  • 4 marketing strategies that can boost B2B sales: study;
  • Mistakes you make that are probably hurting your business;
  • B2B marketing: what makes it special?
  • Making money online: 5 major online selling opportunities for any entrepreneur;
  • 3 things you should consider before listing your products on Amazon.

Web developers have standard processes and techniques to get their jobs done. They also have informal habits and opinions that influence their work — the kinds of things that no one is formally trained on but picks up from peers over time. In article “Confessions of an eCommerce developer” Eric Davis shares a few common beliefs from developers that he has experienced as a developer since 2004.

Lately, ecommerce order and fulfillment seems dominated by Goliaths. You’ve heard it before -- your small business’s indie cred has market cache. It makes you personable, unique and accessible. It makes you desirable. Jake Rheude shows how small businesses beat the eCommerce big guys and how you can have all of that plus a speedy and accurate delivery system, just like the big guys.

Richard Adhikari states that these four business marketing strategies can boost B2B sales conversion rates by up to 25 percentage points, based on results of a survey Altman Vilandrie released this week. However, only 15 percent of businesses fully take advantage of them.

A business doesn’t run by itself, it’s the choices people make and the things they do that determine the success or failure of their business enterprise. Unfortunately, people might at times choose to do or not do certain something because it seems like a good, safe, and convenient idea if looked at from your perspective, but the truth is this might actually be hurting the success of your business. In this article, James Cummings shows mistakes people make that are probably hurting their business.

B2B marketing: what makes it special? Over the past 15 years business-to-business marketing has emerged as a discipline in its own right and divergences in marketing practice have been accentuated. Nick Hague feels it is worth reiterating the many differences between the two disciplines and, above all, pointing out the implications of these differences when it comes to implementing a business-to-business marketing strategy.

The internet has completely flipped the buying process on its head. In 2000, a Pew Research Center study found that only 22 % of Americans were shopping online. Compare that to a more recent 2016 study that found that 79 % of Americans make online purchases. Shoppers now prefer shopping from the comfort of their homes and on their smartphones. Jasmine Sandler presents five different options for online sales in her article.

Amazon is one of the biggest ecommerce marketplaces in the world. But, if you’re thinking about listing your products there, you may be wondering what the experience will be like. Nathan Chan provides the following questions that can help you estimate your sales per month and know beforehand how to best fulfill orders and calculate how much you’ll be paying the ecommerce behemoth.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us.

P.S. In case you’d be interested in trying API2Cart, you can create an account and see how the API works on live stores.

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