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API Technology

Lexy Mayko

Building applications for different platforms, you have probably tried different sorts of APIs. Just in case you have not had a chance to enjoy the charm of hypermedia API, here is an article revealing the pluses you might find to be just for you. The Good about Hypermedia APIs The...

Lexy Mayko

After seven days of missing you, this week’s API Digest is here again. We have much smart and amusing for you to look through. Having been looking for something breezy to read? Matthew Reinbold has written a blog post on why API governance is necessary that will meet the requirement....

Lexy Mayko

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are becoming a thing of common interest in not just the world of technology, but the one of business as well. A growing number of enterprises engage API technologies in hope to level up and above on the market. Once the API is ready for consumers...

Lexy Mayko

After a two-week pause, we are back to share the most juicy API-related articles of the recent while. Take a 2-minute break to enjoy the API Digest reviewing the most interesting posts and events. The freshest piece of writing we have come across turned out to be an introduction of...

Lexy Mayko

API security has always been a thing of high priority though not always regarded this way by many developer teams. Testing is essential, but sometimes it is not enough. Remember “Criminal Minds”? To catch a criminal, you have to think like one. The same can be applied here, you have...

Lexy Mayko

When e-merchants make your target audience, there occurs the challenge of establishing connections with multiple eCommerce platforms. The matter is that your potential clients have their e-stores located on different shopping carts. There is virtually no problem to elaborate an integration module to connect with one of them but developing...

Lexy Mayko

One of the hottest topics for discussion today is the new HTTP/2 that is the most substantial protocol update since 1999, the year when the HTTP/1.1 version was released. Among the key improvements brought by HTTP/2 are multiplexed streams, header compression, server push, and a binary protocol instead of textual...

Lexy Mayko

As eCommerce businesses begin to grow, there appears a necessity to find a simple way of managing and controlling inventory and stock levels. Because of the increasing number of orders, it becomes difficult to be constantly aware of how many items are left there. That is why e-merchants consider using...

Lexy Mayko

Mashape, an API marketplace processing API requests and distributing APIs trusted by more than 140k developers worldwide, has unveiled Kong, an API and microservices management layer it has been using for 3 years. Much talk around it being released is absolutely fair, as Kong both centralizes and allows to expand...

Anastasia Kholod

Everyone says they have a REST API. Twitter does, Facebook does, as does Twilio and Gowalla and even Google. However, by the actual, original definition, none of them are truly RESTful. But that’s OK, because your API shouldn’t be either. Years ago Michael Bleigh wrote a brilliant article connected with...

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