comparison shopping engine integration

Updated 8 April 2020 | Anastasia Kholod

As the business world is evolving continually, merchants are under pressure to be competitive and innovative. However, it’s getting harder to turn around in e-Commerce without bumping into some reference to the comparison shopping solution. It brings together products from different stores so that retailers could see the most optimal prices and features of the product. Using such service businessmen can compete on equal footing with rivals.

The deal of high importance for comparison shopping soft providers is to perform connection to multiple shopping platforms in order to access all needed data. Price, images, descriptions, variants, options, etc. - all are considered to be an essential part of proper product comparison. However, taking into consideration the peculiarity of data storage on every platform, developing various integration methods is a hard and complex process.

Finding a solution that helps to establish data interactions will definitely solve the problem. API2Cart appears to be such a service that allows accessing all data assets on 40+ platforms. It offers unified API to perform connection to different shopping carts simultaneously including such leaders as Magento, WooCommerce, Bigcommerce, OpenCart, Shopify and many others.

API2Cart offers opportunities to:

  • Integrate comparison shopping engine software with multiple shopping carts.
  • Retrieve products and products’ prices from customers’ stores, process it within business system and provide customers with an excellent service.
  • Gather products and their prices to offer your clients powerful price optimization tool.
  • Get products’ images, descriptions, variants and options to analyze if the product is at its highest rate.

API2Cart as an Unfailing Helper

Save the time, money and efforts on developing various integration methods as API2Cart provides single API to integrate with 40+ shopping platforms. In order to satisfy all the specific users' requirements, service provides you with the possibility to integrate an unlimited number of clients’ stores with your business  soft.

API2Cart offers a qualified product support to meet all your needs and demands. Also, it’s feasible to broaden functionality on your request. Developer experience is crucial for us, thus we offer both static and interactive documentations to provide seamless experience.

Our service is highly reliable. To ensure data interaction security we use SSL certificate and also a 32-symbol API key is offered to access the system. Once integration with API2Cart is established, you will receive access to all supported platforms with no extra efforts and payments.

If you provide comparison shopping engine soft and have questions about API2Cart functionality and how it can strengthen your business, don’t hesitate to contact us. Schedule a FREE Call with our representative to strike out all dizzying issues.

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