
Updated 10 June 2020 | Lexy Mayko

Whether new to the business or been to it for a while, companies, stores and enterprises control and analyze the workflow processes to keep growing and do even better. A freshman running a startup can gather all information and analyze it by himself. But the larger company is, the harder it is to collect all the data and prepare accurate statistics that informs of how the business is doing. A dashboard system is what such company owners need and would greatly appreciate.

Dashboard System Introduction

A dashboard system is an essential tool for business owners that reduces the time needed for information gathering and analysis. It provides with precise information on key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and other aspects of your business. Having information on total gross revenue, sales growth by day, average order value, new vs. returning customers comparison, etc., makes it easier to realize what problems you have and what to work towards. So dashboard systems do a great job simplifying the work of e-retailers and helping them to enhance their businesses.

Just as other business owners, dashboard system providers want to improve their eCommerce solutions. And one of the great opportunities for such B2B providers to boost their businesses is integration with shopping carts.

What Makes Integration with Different Shopping Carts Beneficial for Dashboard Systems?

The main advantage of dashboard system integration is a strong increase of the number of potential clients that even with small conversion into consumers, would produce revenue growth and business improvement. Being integrated with the shopping cart, you get a possibility to retrieve customers, orders, sales, products, categories, and other info from web stores based on this platform. You’ll be able to process this data within your system and easily build informative tables and various statistical charts. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Nevertheless, you’ll need to pay an arm and a leg and spend much time to find an experienced developer to perform the integration. Another problem is that every platform has its specific way of data storage, so you’ll need to elaborate integration modules for each of them separately and keep maintaining them after the connections are established. So, finding a solution that would help such system providers to get access to different shopping carts looks like the best way out. Luckily, there is a service that helps to overcome the challenges related to establishing a connection with shopping platforms.

Catch Your Opportunity

API2Cart is a comprehensive service that helps dashboard systems and other software providers such as inventory, order management, email marketing, shipping and other kinds of B2B software to connect to 40+ shopping carts simultaneously. It is integrated with all the top platforms and thus makes it possible to integrate with WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, Bigcommerce, OpenCart, 3dcart and other big market players.

With the help of API2Cart, you can establish the connection between your software and different shopping carts via one integration and get all the necessary information from clients’ stores built on these platforms. As a dashboard system provider, you’ll be able to retrieve such important data as customers, orders and sales, products and categories, etc. for a certain period of time. The information can then be processed within your system and used to build informative tables, gauges, and charts on revenue, sales and customers.

In order to be accessible for its customers, API2Cart provides them with a well-documented API (with code samples) and full technical support. It also takes care of the security of the interaction process and ensures it with the help of a 32-digit API-key together with SSL certificate.

So, if you’re a provider of dashboard system, inventory, order management, email marketing or other eCommerce solution, catch the possibility to get connected to 40+ shopping platforms simultaneously and move your business forward. In case you have any questions, feel free to contact our expert by simply pushing the button below.

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