Updated 26 April 2023 |

Amazon is the world's largest online marketplace, offering vendors from different backgrounds and locations an opportunity to profit from trading on the global market. To make order fulfillment, warehousing, shipping, and other operations more effective, many Amazon e-merchants use special software.

In today's article, we will explore Amazon Order API  and how any eCommerce software can connect to the Amazon marketplace. It can be interesting for you in case you provide multichannel systems, inventory management software, warehouse management systems, or shipping software and need to get order data from Amazon e-stores.

What is Amazon API?

Amazon is the world's largest online retailer, popular among both e-merchants and consumers. The company has grown rapidly since its inception in 1994 and sells more than 4,000 items per minute. Small businesses in the United States sell more than 40 percent of their products on Amazon.

Amazon provides eСommerce software and application developers with access to its data through the Amazon API.

The Amazon API is a powerful tool for businesses, developers, and entrepreneurs. It provides access to an immense library of products and services that millions of people use every day. Developers can use the API to create powerful applications that integrate with Amazon’s retail platform. 

Amazon's APIs allow eCommerce software to retrieve data related to products, orders, payments, reports, and other information. In addition, Amazon also allows using its APIs to transfer store data related to seller profiles and product reviews.

Before integrating your software with Amazon API, you should consider the following issues. Amazon's APIs are outdated and inflexible. Developers find it difficult to use them, and Amazon has not updated them to keep pace with changing technology. Developers have found it difficult to work with them. Product and shipment information is also handled through the use of CSV files or XML.

In addition, Amazon API requires a specialized set of skills for developers who want to build software that interacts with the marketplace.

Why Do eCommerce Software Solutions Need Access to Amazon Order Data?

eCommerce software solutions rely on Amazon order data to provide Amazon online store owners with the necessary functionality. To achieve this, such solutions integrate with the Amazon API to retrieve order data from online stores listed on this marketplace. This allows eCommerce software providers to provide a variety of key functions that allow online sellers to work effectively.

Managing and synchronizing inventory levels

Inventory management software needs to retrieve order data from Amazon and other sales channels to synchronize inventory across multiple platforms that e-retailers use to sell and market their products. 

Managing warehouse operations

Amazon API allows warehouse management systems to get access to order data. This data enables the WMS to organize operations, including receiving orders, packing, shipping, and more.

Managing order fulfillment

The ultimate goal of an eCommerce business is order fulfillment, and the B2B software that provides this capability must ensure that fulfillment is accurate and fast. The speed and accuracy of fulfillment will enhance the customer experience.

The connection between your B2B software and the Amazon order API helps the former get order data from Amazon, which it uses to ensure that orders are fulfilled accurately and without delay.

How to Develop Amazon Order API Connection

Amazon API integration development is a complex process. It can take a lot of time, effort, and money to complete and requires regular maintenance.

API2Cart provides a unified eCommerce API and 100+ API methods for managing data from 40+ eCommerce platforms and marketplaces, including Amazon, Magento, Shopify, and PrestaShop. 

amazon order api connection

API2Cart offers a 30-day free trial for new customers. We then offer flexible pricing packages to suit any eCommerce software provider.

How to Get Amazon Order Data Easily

API2Cart offers a unified API allowing B2B software vendors to connect their software with Amazon and other shopping platforms and marketplaces simultaneously. That means no separate integrations are required for different platforms.

API2Cart offers 100+ API methods that allow you to retrieve, add, update, and sync online store data such as orders, products, customers, shipments, etc. For example, the order.list method retrieves information like the number of orders placed on the store, customer name, phone number, email address, billing and shipping details, shipping methods, and other info.

Here is the response structure of order.list method:

    "return_code": 0,
    "return_message": "",
    "pagination": {
        "previous": null,
        "next": "BcHdEkJAGADQB3Kx2NXOXrjIWNpaJTIadzYj7PipL4Wn7xwmBbQQVeroU9nVsQd66LzNiW08zpkocy%2FgWmeEvIZ%2Bl1jfW35anTVtjKCXzLe2dHl%2FpiYwC7JGpn9JEAspAk5HUvKlrFQv2gMQVJ%2FjWybQjH6KIcyUKLDBHvfBxim1AUKqqeYEi6ec9qS9uu4f"
    "result": {
        "orders_count": 1,
        "order": [
                "id": "000000001",
                "order_id": "1",
                "basket_id": null,
                "channel_id": null,
                "customer": {
                    "id": "1",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "phone": null
                "create_at": {
                    "value": "2019-12-20T13:48:19+0000",
                    "format": "Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO"
                "currency": {
                    "id": "USD",
                    "name": "US Dollar",
                    "iso3": "USD",
                    "symbol_left": "$",
                    "symbol_right": "",
                    "rate": 1,
                    "avail": true,
                    "default": true
                "shipping_address": {
                    "id": "2",
                    "type": "shipping",
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "postcode": "12345",
                    "address1": "Green str.35",
                    "address2": "",
                    "phone": "",
                    "city": "Chicago",
                    "country": {
                        "code2": "US",
                        "code3": "USA",
                        "name": "United States of America"
                    "state": {
                        "code": "IL",
                        "name": "Illinois"
                    "company": "",
                    "fax": "",
                    "website": null,
                    "gender": null,
                    "region": null,
                    "default": false,
                    "additional_fields": {
                        "prefix": "",
                        "suffix": "",
                        "middlename": "",
                        "tax_id": null
                "billing_address": {
                    "id": "1",
                    "type": "billing",
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "postcode": "12345",
                    "address1": "Green str.35",
                    "address2": "",
                    "phone": "",
                    "city": "Chicago",
                    "country": {
                        "code2": "US",
                        "code3": "USA",
                        "name": "United States of America"
                    "state": {
                        "code": "IL",
                        "name": "Illinois"
                    "company": "",
                    "fax": "",
                    "website": null,
                    "gender": null,
                    "region": null,
                    "default": false,
                    "additional_fields": {
                        "prefix": "",
                        "suffix": "",
                        "middlename": "",
                        "tax_id": null
                "payment_method": {
                    "name": "checkmo",
                    "additional_fields": {
                        "additional_payment_info": null
                "shipping_method": {
                    "name": "UPS Ground",
                    "additional_fields": {
                        "code": "custom_custom",
                        "provider_code": "custom"
                "shipping_methods": [
                        "name": "UPS Ground",
                        "additional_fields": {
                            "code": "custom_custom",
                            "provider_code": "custom"
                "status": {
                    "id": "complete",
                    "name": "Complete",
                    "history": [
                            "id": "complete",
                            "name": "Complete",
                            "modified_time": {
                                "value": "2019-12-20T13:48:19+0000",
                                "format": "Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO"
                            "notify": true,
                            "comment": "Reference order #000000001
Payment method:checkmo
Shipping method: UPS Ground
" } ], "refund_info": null }, "totals": { "total": 9, "subtotal": 10.5, "shipping": 0, "tax": 0, "discount": 0, "additional_fields": { "hidden_tax": 0 } }, "total": { "subtotal_ex_tax": 10.5, "wrapping_ex_tax": null, "shipping_ex_tax": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total": 9, "total_paid": 9, "additional_fields": { "shipping_discount_ex_tax": 0, "subtotal_discount_ex_tax": 0, "tax_discount": 0, "subtotal_tax": 0, "wrapping_tax": null, "shipping_tax": 0 } }, "discounts": [], "order_products": [ { "product_id": "5", "order_product_id": "1", "model": "sku_1", "name": "Product1", "price": 1.5, "price_inc_tax": 1.5, "quantity": 7, "discount_amount": 0, "total_price": 10.5, "tax_percent": 0, "tax_value": 0, "tax_value_after_discount": 0, "options": [ { "option_id": 0, "name": "Color", "value": "mint green", "price": 0, "weight": 0, "type": null, "product_option_value_id": null } ], "variant_id": null, "weight_unit": null, "weight": 0, "barcode": null, "parent_order_product_id": null } ], "bundles": [], "modified_at": { "value": "2019-12-20T13:48:19+0000", "format": "Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO" }, "finished_time": null, "comment": "", "store_id": "1", "warehouses_ids": [], "refunds": [], "gift_message": null, "additional_fields": { "base_currency_code": "USD" } } ] } }

You can use our documentation to explore all API2Cart API methods supported for Amazon and other eCommerce platforms and marketplaces. 

You can register for a free account on API2Cart service and start working with Amazon order data easily. In case you need any more information, you can contact our managers. 

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