eCommerce Integration Software

Updated 21 October 2022 |

eCommerce integration software solutions have become essential for B2B software vendors to gain an edge over their competitors. Primarily they help the software perform their core functions and prevent the vendors from retrieving the various types of data with any losses.

However, it is not easy to choose a reliable software for developing integration between eCommerce software and shopping platforms. That's why we decided to demystify the selection process of an ideal eCommerce integration software, so that you can offer a service that eCommerce merchants can't overlook and keep you one step ahead of the competition.

eCommerce Integration: What It Is and Why You Need It

An eCommerce integration is a process of connecting any eCommerce software with various shopping platforms and marketplaces. The development of such an integration allows the software systems to retrieve data from the online stores based on these platforms, which are required to perform their necessary functions.

The solutions like inventory management, warehouse management, order management, shipping management systems, etc., that help retailers automate their eCommerce operations need to be integrated with various shopping platforms.

eCommerce integration not only helps B2B software perform their core functions, but also provides the following:

  • Easy access to data from all the shopping platforms and the ability to edit, delete and change it
  • Flexibility in terms of adding additional functionality to the software
  • Building connections with shopping platform customers and inviting them as potential clients
  • Maintaining an international presence for the business
  • Expanding the business to offer multiple services
  • High profits and return on investment

Any company that uses an eCommerce integration software solution to connect to shopping platforms gives itself an advantage over its competitors.

With What Platforms Is It Necessary to Connect?

B2B software vendors need to connect to multiple shopping platforms to access data related to orders, customers, product prices, etc. These software include eCommerce solutions that are developed for e-retailers to streamline their business operations. They are:

  • Marketing automation software
  • Shipping software
  • Inventory management software
  • Warehouse management software
  • Order management software, and so on

The main purpose of any eCommerce integration software is to connect the software or application to eCommerce platforms and marketplaces like Amazon, Magento, Shopify, eBay, Etsy, PrestaShop, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, OpenCart, etc.

Many eCommerce platforms have a large customer base and a significant number of websites from all over the world running successfully on them.

Take a look at the numbers. Shopify powers more than 1,500,000 stores. Etsy has 2 million sellers from 234 countries. WooCommerce powers over 30% of all the online stores which amount to 3,000,000+ customers. 26% of the online stores across the world are based on Magento. PrestaShop has more than 260,000 stores.

Therefore, connecting to these platforms via eCommerce integration software can bring B2B software vendors access to international markets, huge profits, and opportunities for business expansion.

How to Choose the Right Solution for Development of the eCommerce Integration?

There are two major ways in which you can integrate your eCommerce software with multiple shopping platforms:

  • In-house integration development
  • You can choose an in-house team of developers to build eCommerce integration. For that, you need to search, hire, and train advanced developers to code the integration for you. It will cost you a lot of time, money, and resources to build just one integration with a specific shopping platform and if your clients have stores on multiple shopping platforms, it will put a dent in your pocket.

  • Third-Party solution
  • Another option is to let a third-party eCommerce integration software do the work. The software provider takes care of all the infrastructure, labor, development, setup costs, and resources needed to develop the integration. All you have to do is integrate your software with the third-party service and you can connect to as many eCommerce platforms as that solution supports.

However, if you are looking for an ideal eCommerce integration software solution, it must have the following features:

  1. It must be of high quality, reliable and safe to work with
  2. It must be cheaper, faster, and easier than developing it yourself, so you can save time, money, resources, and the stress that comes with it
  3. It must be flexible with adding new features and connecting to all the required shopping platforms
  4. It should fulfill the primary requirement i.e. retrieve data related to orders, customers, products, prices, and more from the online stores
  5. The eCommerce integration software must provide 24/7 high-level support to the vendors.

What Is The Best eCommerce Integration Software?

As mentioned earlier, it is important to look for eCommerce integration software that is cheap, secure and easy to use.

Although there are much other third-party software available these days, there are very few that can offer services as efficient as API2Cart. It offers a unified API that allows you to integrate your software or app with more than 40 popular shopping platforms, including Shopify, Magento, PrestaShop, etc.

CartRover, for example, is another integration tool that allows SaaS providers to streamline their business operations, but it is limited to offering its service only to vendors operating in the logistics and fulfillment space. In addition, CartRover does not have high-level support.

Similarly, ItemBase solution is only suitable for shipping and financial service providers.

API2Cart is the all-in-one eCommerce integration software that is the perfect option for the companies that provide different services to e-retailers. With API2Cart you can use the unified API to set up connections with all popular platforms at once. It will help you to save hours of your time and thousands of dollars.

API2Cart 24/7 support team is always ready to help customers and troubleshoot their problems within minutes.

For the chance to engage over 1 million potential customers and access vital data anytime from more than 40 shopping platforms, contact API2Cart today for a free 30-day trial.

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