api news

Updated 11 August 2022 | Anastasia Kholod

What can be better than spending Monday at work? That’s right, nothing. 😉 It makes one more splendid opportunity to fascinate you with API Digest. Last week was pretty productive, so let us get a move on with the review of the eight useful articles concerning Application Programming Interface.

As usual, Kin Lane has presented an interesting article-research where he shares his opinion on containers as a significant evolution in how APIs are done. So go through the Are Your APIs Ready For The Coming Containerization Evolution Of The API Space? and find out what does he mean under the containerization and how does it concern API.

Have you ever heard about the “Documentation Driven Design” approach while creating your API docs?  Using Templates for Documentation Driven API Design, written by Bruno Pedro is exactly what you need as a hand of help. Explore the article to find out the advantages of following this approach as well as the most important sections you don’t want to forget.

Jerome Louvel, CEO of Restlet has written an informative article How API Description Languages Enable API IDES. It’s really worth reading as he showed the importance of the API description languages. Read the post to unveil the secret.

The final article API Best Practices: The Wrap Up in the series of useful posts, written by Mike Stowe on the MileSoft blog. Don’t miss the summarizing post and discover how to design a flexible, extensible, and usable API.

Find out Why you Should Use Markdown For Your API Documentation and why it has been gaining popularity for use with API docs - an article written by Peter Gruenbaum, President at SDK Bridge.

A Guide to REST & API Design- one more resource to broaden the design knowledge from API leader Mike Amundsen.

Five questions to ask before designing and deploying an open API - a great walkthrough by Joe McKendrick on some key questions that need to be addressed to determine if it's worthwhile to offer an API  to the wider public.

Discover the article Top 3 Reasons to Love Automated API Testing , posted on Parasoft blog, to explore the  endearing benefits it provide developers with.

Hope you find this week API Digest being interesting. Don’t hesitate to suggest some other posts in your comments.

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