
Updated 23 April 2021 | Anastasia Kholod

Whatever the weather is, no matter how sleepy you are, Monday is Monday. It’s necessary to be in good shape in order to generate new ideas and to be in trend. API2Cart strives to make developers’ Mondays more tolerable presenting interesting and informative API digest. Keep up with the times and stay aware of all API news.

No one argues that ensuring the scalability and longevity of API is highly crucial. But when developers agonize over your API trying to understand something, it doesn’t contribute to a joyful process. API Best Practices: Response Handling, written by Mike Stowe, covers how to ensure that programmers understand what happens with the API request. Using the appropriate Status Code and returning an error message when the call is failed is just as crucial as scalability.

IoT appears to be, probably, one more dizzying and at the same time exciting issue among the community. Discover Internet of Things — The Space Junk Challenge, an interesting comparison of IoT platforms and satellites written by Dez Blanchfield.

How to build an effective API program that aligns with the business goals? Go through the article Building Effective API Programs: API Business Models to find the answer. The post is written by Manfred Bortenschlager, as usual, he smartly covers the topic providing his expert opinion.

Have you ever asked yourself a question that Johan Swanepoel did: “How can I help my clients build the services that their customers demand in simpler, better and faster ways?” Go through the article API economy and mobile: What it means for your government organization where he shares his opinion.

REST vs SOAP - endless battle. What are their main features, what makes them different? Find the answer in Is REST better than SOAP? Yes, in Some Use Cases, written by Bruno Pedro. His work will help you to understand the differences better.

P.S. By the way, Nordic APIs infographic is like a piece of art showing the REST vs SOAP comparison.

Don’t hesitate to suggest some other posts, as I’m sure that there are more interesting articles concerning API. And in case you have any questions about API2Cart and its unified API, schedule a FREE Call with our representative.

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