bigcommerce inventory integration

Updated 28 July 2022 | Lexy Mayko

BigCommerce inventory integration means the process of developing the connection between inventory management systems and BigCommerce API. It helps inventory solutions vendors to receive access to the data stored in BigCommerce online stores. Moreover, it allows them to use that data to process it by their systems and provide all the needed functionality to their clients.

In this article, we are going to explore why integration with BigCommerce is so necessary for software providers. Also, we will show how to develop it easily, eliminating the need to support it on your own.

Why to Consider the Integration with BigCommerce?

Inventory management software is a unique tool. It helps web store owners to cut their time and money expenditures and optimize their business processes. Such systems track inventory levels, orders, sales, and deliveries and take control of the amount of products e-retailers have in stock. Moreover, they can forecast potential product needs to avoid product overstock and outages.

There are many software providers in this field and each of them is looking for new possibilities that would help them stand out from the crowd. If you’re one such B2B software owner, then you might be interested in integration with various shopping platforms. It is one of the options that can help you to enhance your business and beat your rivals.

The number of shopping platforms presented on the market is vast, so it may be hard to make a decision and choose one to work with. Stop wondering and take a look at BigCommerce — one of the top eCommerce solutions that are widely used by web store owners all over the world. It’s a powerful and flexible platform that powers over 150,000 websites (according to BuiltWith).

BigCommerce becomes more and more popular between the online sellers. It has a huge success in the United States (37,000+ stores), Australia (3,200+ stores), United Kingdom (2,400+ stores), Brazil (1,800 stores).

Integration with this shopping platform will significantly expand the number of your potential clients and thus bring profits. Nonetheless, connecting to this platform might be a headache, as it will take you a long while and vast resources to be elaborated.

BigCommerce API

To be able to retrieve all the necessary data from BigCommerce stores and process it by your inventory management software, you need to connect your system with BigCommerce API. BigCommerce has a few various APIs that allow developers to work with store data, make queries for product info, etc.

If you need to manage online store data, you need to use BigCommerce REST API. It makes it possible for you to add products in an online store, update them, etc. Moreover, you will be able to work with the order data. For example, it will be possible for you to update the customers' orders and change their statuses.

For you, as an inventory management software provider, access to the data from BigCommerce online stores is vital. Without the info about the orders, products, customers, you won't be able to provide your functionality to BigCommerce users.

With the help of such data, your inventory management system will be able to do the following:

  • Maintain a balance between inventory
  • Track the inventory levels and product sales
  • Sync inventory across multiple sales channels
  • Prevent the situations related to missing out on sales due to out-of-stock situations
  • Provide your clients with detailed reports that help them to track the situation on all of their sales channels

So, if you want to propose your service to the BigCommerce users, then the BigCommerce inventory integration is a must-have for you.

However, the process of developing a connection with any eCommerce platform like BigCommerce can be tough. It requires a qualified team of developers, weeks of the previous platform investigations, high budgets, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the difficulties that may occur during the process of BigCommerce inventory integration.


BigCommerce Inventory Integration Difficulties

As we have already mentioned above, the development of the integration between your inventory management software and the BigCommerce platform can be a technically complex process. Moreover, if you are planning to perform it on your own, be prepared for huge expenses.

To develop the connection with BigCommerce smoothly and fast, you will need at least two or three qualified developers. Their work may cost approximately 5000$/month. Also, you will have to take care of server hardware costs, subscription costs for tools and services your developers need.

Also, don't forget about the maintenance expenses. They are unavoidable as BigCommerce may update its platform version.

Fortunately, there is a way out to overtake the painful process of integration and save both time and money thanks to API2Cart. The service provides you with the possibility to connect to not only BigCommerce but also 40+ other shopping platforms such as Magento, WooCommerce, X-Cart, Shopify, OpenCart and others simultaneously.


As you can see, the usage of API2Cart may help you a lot with BigCommerce inventory integration. API2Cart makes integration so much easier, faster, and cheaper. Also, API2Cart takes care of further integration maintenance and updates. You develop the connection with the API2Cart unified API once, get connected to more than 40 eCommerce platforms, and don’t worry about upgrading your code every time new versions of platforms come out.

API2Cart supports a great number of API methods that allow managing such data:
  • products: product.list/ product.count/ product.find/ product.add/ product.update/ product.image.add/ product.variant.add
  • categories: category.list/ category.count/ category.find/ category.add
  • order data: order.count/ order.list/ order.find/ order.add/ order.update/ order.status.list/ order.shipment.list/ order.shipment.add/ order.shipment.update
  • customer info: customer.list/ customer.count/ customer.find/ customer.add

You can find detailed info about all the supported methods for BigCommerce in our API Docs.

If you would like to find out more information, schedule a FREE consultation with our manager. We are ready to answer all your questions by chat, by email, and by phone 24/7.

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