Shopping Cart Integration Guide

Updated 28 July 2020 | Lexy Mayko

Staying competitive on the B2B software market implies being in step with the times and even more. In most cases, winning customers’ attention takes having at least slightly more to offer. If that is what you would like to have for your business, we are pleased to welcome you to the right place. We prepared a shopping cart integration guide that will help you get more info on how the connection with shopping platforms can help you succeed and dramatically increase the number of prospective clients.

What Software Providers Need Shopping Cart Integration

You might have noticed that the B2B software industry is quite rapid to evolve. New trends, new needs, and new features - not a day has gone by that they have not been announced. And where innovation and demand come into play to call the tune, you are to grab the opportunity to leave your competitors playing second fiddle.

Progress and fresh ideas are not alone to grow in number. New rival solutions offering similar service and the crowd of merchants in either a potential or actual need for them multiply too. As a result, the market gets more competitive, with the clientele of B2Bs becoming more diverse.

Online merchants - eCommerce B2B software providers' target clientele - create their web stores on different shopping carts. To be able to meet the needs of a larger number of clients, B2B eCommerce solutions, need to integrate with the platforms they use. Of course, there are shopping platforms they choose more often, but the tendencies - just as local market preferences - change.

So, to be able to work with a vast number of online retailers, B2B eCommerce software providers need to have a smooth connection between their systems and shopping cart software. It is necessary because, without such a connection and the ability to access and manage all the needed data from e-retailers stores, software vendors can not provide their key solutions' features to their clients.

The list of B2B software solutions that need shopping cart integration is very long. Below you will find a business that has proven to benefit from being connected to multiple shopping cart software:

  • Marketing automation software
  • Marketing automation software depends on integration with shopping platforms, as carrying out its key functions requires access to data on products and orders, customer contacts, coupons, etc., which are stored in stores’ databases.

  • Mobile commerce app development solutions
  • Without the eCommerce integration, such solutions cannot convert webstores into mobile apps, sync product lists, prices, images, etc., sync orders in real-time.

  • Repricing software
  • Such solutions need to get the data from online stores related to prices and products and update it automatically. That is possible only with having the connection to shopping cart software that retailers use for running their e-stores.

  • Inventory, order and warehouse management systems
  • They need access to the databases of their clients’ e-stores to get data on products, categories, customers, orders, and tracking numbers. etc.

  • Chatbots
  • First of all, the best chatbot solution have access to product catalogs, data on inventory levels and tracking numbers from e-stores of their clients.

  • Dropshipping automation software
  • Dropshipping software depends on integration with shopping platforms, as it allows them to access and sync order, customer and product info retrieved from different online stores.

  • Shipping management software
  • With the help of high-quality integration with multiple shopping platforms such solutions can import orders from multiple sales channels, update tracking info and order statuses, create shipping labels, organize the data in detailed reports.

  • Cart abandonment solutions
  • The shopping cart integration makes it possible for such solutions to get the data for sending cart abandonment emails, emails with special offers, create precise customer segments, generate smart cart abandonment statistics.

More detailed info, you can find in this shopping cart integration guide.


Shopping Cart Integration Guide

Being connected to shopping platforms is beneficial and often vital for B2B eCommerce SaaS systems and enterprises of different kinds. To help e-store owners organize and automate their e-retail businesses, such services as inventory and order management, mobile app building, marketing automation, reprising, shipping management, and others need to access their clients’ store databases. And this is impossible without shopping cart integration.

If you would like to read more on integration with shopping carts and how it would help your kind of business, download a FREE white paper telling about everything you need to know about it. In this guide, you will find the following subtopics covered:

  1. benefits and difficulties of eCommerce integration
  2. what are shopping carts and why to integrate with them
  3. which platforms and marketplaces to integrate with and why
  4. what it takes to integrate with them
  5. how real companies benefited from shopping cart integration

If you would prefer to talk to discuss shopping cart API integration and its business value live, schedule a call with our representative. We will provide you with all the necessary information about this topic and tell you more about eCommerce integration services like API2Cart.

API2Cart is an online shopping platform integration solution that helps B2B eCommerce software providers connect their systems to 40+ eCommerce platforms. API2Cart provides a unified API that allows integration with Magento, Shopify, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, eBay, Amazon, etc., at once. Using it, there is no need to develop separate integrations with multiple shopping cart software and marketplaces.

shopping cart connection (1)

API2Cart has more than 100 API methods for managing the data from online stores and detailed API Docs with useful examples. With API2Cart, B2B eCommerce software can retrieve, add, delete, and sync the data related to products, orders, customers, shipments, taxes, prices, etc.

API2Cart provides 24/7 customer support service, and our specialists are ready to answer all your questions any time suitable for you. Our integration service enables to save time, money, and efforts required for the development of connections with multiple eCommerce platforms and popular marketplaces.

If you need more info on how API2Cart works, you can also schedule a free call with our manager by clicking the button below or try the service for 30-days for free by registering your free account right now.

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