• Guest posts must correspond to our blog topics (eCommerce, API technologies, B2B eCommerce software).
  • The uniqueness rate has to be at least 75%, but 90% is preferred.
  • If you insert any pictures, please, put the source link and respect the author's rights.
  • Keep in mind that our blog is first and foremost educational, not an advertising platform.
  • You may include one do-follow link to your blog/website or one link to your Twitter/Facebook account in the author's bio section at the end of the article.
  • Articles should be 800-1500 words in length, although can be longer if the post is very valuable how-to material.
  • Check the spelling and grammar of your content before submitting it.
  • Short author bio of 25-50 words including a maximum of 1 do-follow link.
  • Your article must include one section about API2Cart at the end of the article.
  • In return, we would like to get a mention about API2Cart on your blog or social media.