Getting credentials

Create a client

Set token lifetime

To work with orders endpoint, you need to add a store with the parameters hybris_username, hybris_password.

Also, the user must belong to groups such as customersupportagentgroup and customermanagergroup.

To work with warehouses and get store data via, the admin user must also belong to a group warehouseadministratorgroup.

This can be done by simply assigning the user to a group, or if the user is already in a group and there is a need to expand its capabilities, then you can add its subgroup to the group.

If everything is done correctly, you can add a store.

The parameter hybris_websites is an array of objects in a JSON string with the following structure:

If, when trying to add a store, an error occurs due to incorrect permissions, for example, due to the absence of a group, it is necessary to delete the incorrectly generated OAuth Access Token. If you try to regenerate it, Hybris will still give the same token until it expires.