
Updated 24 October 2019 | Anastasia Kholod

Striking news! MagneticOne heralds the final release of Data2CRM, automated migration service! Since now on, the CRM owners may easily migrate their data to the desired platform in a fully automated way with Data2CRM!

Let’s look back through Data2CRM timeline! Since our first day of beta release, modern Data2CRM counts the following leap-ahead features:

  • Migration of various CRM platforms. Today, there are 8 platforms in the list of supported CRMs. Moreover, adding new customer relationship management platforms becomes a good tradition of Data2CRM team.
  • Significantly Reduced Time of CRM data transfer. Migration from one CRM to another is even faster and precise with the updated and improved API request sending speed. All in all migration takes from a few minutes to several hours depending on the amount of your records.
  • Accurate Relations Migration. With the official release, Data2CRM supports the migration of CRM data relations.
  • Migration to the test CRM. If you haven’t installed your new CRM yet, you might try service migrating your CRM data to the test platform whether it’s Vtiger, SugarCRM, or SuiteCRM. Testing new CRM and migration process evaluation become a matter of a few clicks.

Seems that’s it with the migration improvements! Here’s another portion of soul indulging news  - migrate your CRM data with 50% OFF. So, don't wait up, it’s high time for changes! Grab your lucky strike – the migration special expires on October, 29.

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