X-Cart Integration

Updated 9 July 2024 |

To avoid losing from the changing requirements of modern consumers, B2B eCommerce companies are increasingly relying on different solutions. The importance of eCommerce integration has been stressed time and again. The reason is apparent - it is a profitable affair for SaaS businesses across the globe. One such eCommerce integration we are going to discuss today is X-cart integration.

Using API technology in this case can significantly reduce the difficulty of getting your profit in the field of eCommerce. However, if you find it difficult to understand how this technology can solve your challenges, the following tips can help you start developing a successful strategy. For example, integrating your software with eCommerce platforms will help you increase your market share and increase your customer base.

Among different platforms present across the web, X-Cart also has a significant presence of its own. As a result, it offers a lot of opportunities for eCommerce software vendors.

The article will walk you through different aspects of connecting with X-Cart. Moreover, we are going to explore X-Cart API and ways to develop X-Cart integration.

Major info about X-Cart

X-Cart is software that allows eCommerce businesses to build an online store of their own. It has something for everyone, including B2B marketplace, retail, B2B, and international sales. Starting in 2001, X-Cart is currently operating in 40 different locations across the following parts of the world - Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, and Australia.

X-Cart has its headquarters in Athens, GA, and infrastructure across North America and Europe. It has been operating in the eCommerce space for around 20 years, with around 40 000 online stores across 111 countries.

For example, X-Cart offers multiple features, some of which are mentioned below:

  • Offers omnichannel selling experience to business owners
  • Allows businesses to sell internationally and supports more than 40 languages
  • Supports marketing analytics and promotions
  • In-built inventory management and shipping tools

Consequently, let’s look into the major aspects of X-Cart integration.

What Actually is a X-Cart API?

API or application programming interface is an intermediary between two different applications or software. It allows them to communicate with each other and transfer data. For example, if one application needs additional features for an organization to function correctly, rather than building the feature from scratch, it can integrate with another application that provides it.

With API, two applications can communicate with each other and add specific functionalities to one of the applications to improve the development process. You will see APIs everywhere - streamlining the developers’ jobs- from travel to sports to healthcare and other industries.

One such API that facilities X-Cart integration is X-Cart API. With the help of X-Cart API, the eCommerce software developers can tie up their eCommerce software with X-Cart and access all the store data from the platform. The data is related to the products, customers, categories, and orders.

X-Cart API is based on REST architecture and needs an API key for user authentication. That means that if you want to access the API, you should have an API key. It supports both JSON and XML data formats for resources. To perform operations on the data, X-Cart API provides you with four different methods — GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE — for adding, deleting, updating, and retrieving data from this platform.

You can check the X-Cart API documentation to know more about how these methods work.

X-Cart Integration

X-Cart integration involves establishing a connection between X-Cart and eCommerce software like inventory management system, warehouse management software, shipping management solutions, order management system, etc.

With the help of APIs, eCommerce software vendors like you can connect these applications so you can access store data from X-Cart and use it for your software to perform its core functionality.

X-Cart integration has the following benefits for eCommerce software vendors:

  • You can expand your business internationally. You will get exposure through the clients of X-Cart — your prospective buyers. These prospects can give your company new heights when they convert into customers.
  • X-Cart integration can give you more clients for your business which in turn will increase your revenue, profits, and return on investment. The more clients you acquire for your eCommerce business, the more profit you earn from it.
  • X-Cart integration can help you serve your clients with better features and functionality. It allows you to access product, category, order, and customer data from the e-stores based on X-Cart. When your software has such data, it can perform its designated operations without fail and even help improve its productivity.

How to Develop Integration with X-Cart?

X-Cart integration can be developed in two ways — with the help of an in-house development team or by hiring a third-party service provider like API2Cart. Both these approaches have their own significance.

With an in-house development team, you will be the one doing everything from hiring developers, training them, setting up the infrastructure, and looking after maintenance and upgrades for the integration. It will cost you too much time, money, and resources. You will have to pay the developer’s salary, the cost of infrastructure, and its maintenance every time X-Cart updates its API.

The second approach is to partner with a third-party service like API2Cart. This solution allows eCommerce software vendors like you to develop integrations with more than 40 eCommerce platforms at once. These platforms include Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and X-Cart, among others.

API2Cart eliminates all the hassles of individual integrations and looks after their maintenance and upgrades itself according to your subscription model. Apart from that, you don’t have to worry about the setup and infrastructure because they have their own. You just have to integrate your eCommerce software with API2Cart, which will further connect your software with all the eCommerce platforms you wish to connect with.

API2Cart provides more than 100 API methods to eCommerce vendors for developing integration and accessing store data from the e-stores. Do not spend time developing X-Cart integration yourself. Enjoy the benefits of API2Cart. To know more about how API2Cart can help you with your business use case, get in touch with our experts.

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