email automation

Updated 18 May 2021 | Khrystyna Oliinyk

A well-planned email marketing automation strategy can save you a ton of time and effort. These workflows are great for getting the right message to the right person at the right time. Here are seven important email workflows for marketing automation.

Welcoming New Subscribers

The first thing you’ll want to send a new subscriber is a welcome series to begin their journey along the road towards becoming a customer. Make sure you have a trigger set up to automatically send the first email in this series once someone signs up. Offering them a discount is a good way to start the relationship right. A few days later have a message go out that provides them with some more information about your brand and ways to get in contact with you. The final email in this series will ask them for information that you will use for future personalized marketing efforts.


This series will help a customer complete their profile and find out how to make the most of their account. Send an email following up, providing guides, and other content that will help them understand and enjoy your product. Then, once they’ve opened your second message, a few days later send one pointing them in the direction of further resources, such as your blog. “This series is great for increasing engagement and retention because it gives you a chance to show them the best things about your website and products. You’ll also be able to identify users who haven’t finished setting up their account, so you can send them followup emails,” explains Cynthia Knight, email marketer at Assignment Help.

Cart Abandonment

Set up an abandoned cart workflow. These are very useful for eCommerce businesses. Just send them a friendly reminder that they still have items in their cart. Sometimes people forget, get confused, or think they have already completed their purchase, so these automated messages can be very helpful. Or perhaps they decided they weren’t sure, and your email can remind them and nudge them into completing the purchase. One useful tip is to offer them a discount to come back and complete their order. Abandoned cart emails have twice the open rate of other email campaigns, so they’re well worth a try.


Re-engagement workflows are great for prompting a customer who’s partway into the sales funnel and then become inactive. Set up certain conditions such as the amount of time since they visited your website, opened an email, or filled out a form, and then have them trigger a re-engagement message series. Send them one of your better content pieces, something that will get their interest and motivate them to take another look at your site.

Lead Nurturing

When it comes to lead nurturing, earlier is better. Once someone signs up for your newsletter you should get on tracking their behavior with regards to your site and content. Send them offers, in the form of coupons, downloads, or invitations to webinars, based on what pages they view. Send your workflow out with at least a few days separating messages, and just gently nudge them towards a purchase that is relevant to their interests.

Subscription Renewal

If your eCommerce business is subscription-based, a subscription renewal workflow is key to your bottom line. It’s much more efficient to maintain old customers than to attract new ones. Have a message go out as the customer’s subscription renewal date approaches. Generally, a week to ten days is when you’ll want to have the trigger set for. If there is no response, have another one sent out with three days remaining on their subscription, and increase the sense of urgency a bit. The last email in this workflow is one sent the day after expiration, which lets them know that their subscription has ended, but you’ve given them a few extra days.

Write Perfect Emails

Clear communication is important in marketing. Work on your writing and editing skills by using these online tools:

1 - StateofWriting & MyWritingWay: Try out these grammar resources for help reviewing the rules of grammar. Poor grammar is totally unprofessional, so make sure you’re on top of it.

2 - UKWritings & Academized: Take a look at these online proofreading tools, suggested by Academized review. Proofread all your emails before sending them out to make sure you haven’t missed an error.

3 - ViaWriting & StudyDemic: These are writing guides that will make your writing process simpler and easier. They are very useful because they break down the process into easy steps.

4 - BoomEssays & EssayRoo: Nobody enjoys editing, but it has to be done. These tools, mentioned by SimpleGrad, can help.

5 - WritingPopulist & AcademAdvisor: These writing blogs are full of useful ideas from writers who have experience with marketing automation. You can find posts about all kinds of writing problems and solutions.

6 - Perfect copywriting for the best email subject lines.


Email workflows are a valuable part of any marketing strategy. There are many useful email workflows that can benefit your business. Timing is very important when it comes to welcoming new customers, nurturing leads, and re-engaging users and email workflows make getting the timing right easy.

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This is a guest post by Grace Carter. She is a writer at Assignment Help Service and at Big Assignments, where she works alongside a team of writers and editors. Also, Grace is a tutor at PaperFellows service.

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