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API Technology

Anastasia Kholod

In our blog series about API technologies, we’ve been trying to figure out all main principles that are covered under the term Application Programming Interface. Today, I want to present you one more essential topic, concerning API testing. Application Programming Interface isn’t just created to satisfy various technical requirements. It’s...

Anastasia Kholod

Editor’s note: Today we’ve got a great chance to talk with Matt McLarty, the vice president in API Academy at CA Technologies and just extremely broad-minded person. He has a vast experience in IT and API in particular. Lots of people have a pleasure listening to Matthew's insights on various...

Anastasia Kholod

Application Programming Interface appears to be the most hyped term in all eCommerce industry right now. A lot of merchants try to measure API’s worth and realise the business value of it.  Whereas they are possessing minimum knowledge in a basic understanding of the technology that is behind the Application...

Anastasia Kholod

Previously, in our blog articles we’ve dedicated much time for discovering and explaining API terminology in general and its effect on eCommerce in particular. However, another field in this niche has to be explored - soi-disant developer-centric approach.  Many efforts, time and money are spent to provide users with the...

Anastasia Kholod

Achieving a long-term success for service-based companies is crucial, as the digital environment is constantly changing and brings a lot of new trends and innovations. The central point in business to the business model is the ability to interact with various apps in order to provide customers with a seamless...

Anastasia Kholod

In today’s increasingly competitive business environment many merchants faced a challenge of how to keep up with a unique customer’s needs. Moreover, they are witnessing a great shift in methods of doing online business. Application Programming Interface is considered to be such an innovative solution that helps vendors to stay...

Anastasia Kholod

Currently, the digital world is developing with the lightening speed and it seems that technologies have filled each part of everyone's life. eCommerce appears to be not an exception as this way of profit-making is very popular nowadays. Therefore, business leaders have to be capable of competing on the market...

Anastasia Kholod

Technologies are constantly changing, and constant developments create new opportunities. Although many technologies and events affect eCommerce, there is one technology that establishes a connection between all of them. API gradually expands the possibility of B2B eCommerce software, allowing them to communicate with other systems. Nowadays, the whole world is...

Anastasia Kholod

As a software provider for eСommerce, you need to find new opportunities to increase your profits and move ahead of your competitors. If your online business no longer meets the expectations and it's hardly balancing on the IT market, you may probably never heard about API. An application programming interface...

Lexy Mayko

The world of B2B business owners and software developers is constantly becoming competitive. There are several services to provide, such as inventory management, warehouse management, shipping management, etc. Developers have created intelligent systems to optimize store owners' tasks and run their businesses without any problems. These systems, of course, manage...

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