integration with opencart

Updated 9 July 2024 | Khrystyna Oliinyk

As modern consumers become more demanding, eCommerce businesses increasingly turn to software solutions to streamline their online operations.

Your software can play a critical role in helping e-merchants automate their activity and better meet the needs of their clients.

Online retailers use OpenCart and other shopping platforms to create their online stores and need real-time information about them in order to succeed. Software vendors can help retailers by providing them with the functionality they need. However, this is only possible if their software is integrated with all the necessary shopping platforms.

In this article, you will discover how to easily develop the integration with OpenCart and other popular platforms using a ready-made integration solution.

Why It is Worth Integrating with Multiple eCommerce Platforms

B2B eCommerce relies heavily on data connections. eCommerce software for retailers needs a quality integration with shopping platforms and marketplaces in order to work correctly. That is because most of the features and services offered by them require data from e-stores.

For example, order and inventory management systems require customer ids and billing last names to track order statuses. Price optimization software cannot suggest better prices and automatically apply them without knowing the seller's prices.

Shopping cart software integration is both essential and beneficial to businesses. Each new platform increases the potential client base of tens of thousands of online merchants. In addition, having access to data on customers, products, orders, tracking numbers and other information makes it possible to extend the set of features that an application supports.

Let’s see in detail how eCommerce software can get an advantage by having integration with OpenCart.

How You Can Benefit from Integration with OpenCart

To maximize the effectiveness of your eCommerce software, you should integrate it with an eCommerce platform such as OpenCart. With such integration, your e-retailer clients can increase their profitability and provide benefits for your business as well. Let’s consider some of them:

  • OpenCart powers over 8% of eCommerce sites, representing more than 460,000 e-retail businesses. Therefore, by integrating your software with OpenCart, you can increase your chances of acquiring new customers.

  • Integration with OpenCart can help you make your eCommerce software available to a global customer base. OpenCart's worldwide presence allows you to reach customers around the world.

  • By integrating with OpenCart and gaining more exposure, you will increase your revenue and profits.

  • Integration with OpenCart enables you to get updated OpenCart data on orders, products, customers, shipping details, etc., and use this information to perform its main tasks.

Key Facts about OpenCart API

In order to integrate your software with OpenCart, you must first understand how the OpenCart API functions. This understanding will help you build a connection between your application and OpenCart.

An application programming interface (API) is a set of definitions and protocols that allows programmers to integrate with different pieces of software. APIs allow your software to interact with other programs without needing to understand how they work.

The Opencart API allows users to access specific information about Opencart in JSON format. By sending an HTTP request, users can get, update and delete data from an Opencart store.

Main Difficulties of Developing Integration with OpenCart

If you don’t use a ready-made integration solution for integrating with OpenCart, you may encounter a few challenges. Developing custom integrations can be expensive, as it requires dedicating resources from your core business to build eCommerce integrations with needed shopping platforms. In addition, there are many other challenges:

  • Extending your company's capabilities to integrate its system with multiple platforms can be time-consuming. Additionally, clients may not be willing to wait months while you integrate with multiple platforms. Online merchants may have multiple stores built on different platforms, which means that you will have to integrate with all of them.

  • Integrations can be expensive. Integration costs can reach thousands of dollars for each platform, so companies that connect to multiple platforms may spend tens of thousands of dollars on integration.

  • Additionally, integration is complicated. Like many other shopping platforms, OpenCart API has a unique logical architecture. If you want to develop the integration of your software with multiple platforms it can be especially challenging.

  • In addition, integrations must be maintained and upgraded because eCommerce platforms often change their APIs to address security issues. OpenCart is no exception. Upgrades and maintenance can be as costly and time-consuming as establishing new integrations.

How to Easily Implement Integration with OpenCart and other eCommerce Platforms

API2Cart allows software providers to avoid all the challenges related to integration with OpenCart and over 40 other shopping platforms. Our unified API eliminates the need to develop separate integrations for every platform, saving time and money.

API2Cart provides a simplified integration process for accessing data from different shopping platforms and marketplaces. With the help of such integration, it is easy to access various needed store information.

Here is how you can implement OpenCart integration via API2Cart:

  • Register API2Cart account;

  • Add any of your customers’ stores based on OpenCart;

  • Upload the connection bridge to your client's store and use the store key generated by OpenCart Plugin;

  • Work with orders, products, customers, categories, and taxes from OpenCart-based stores.

API2Cart offers more than 100 methods for managing the data. It also provides detailed API documentation that can make integration a smooth process.


To implement a secure and robust integration with OpenCart and other eCommerce platforms, you should try the API2Cart service. It will help you save your money and time and forget about any difficulties that may arise after developing the connection with OpenCart on your own.

Moreover, one integration with API2Cart allows access to not only the OpenCart shopping platform. Your software will be automatically connected with Magento, Shopify, Bigcommerce, PrestaShop, Etsy, Amazon, eBay, and the other 40 platforms.

Sign up for API2Cartfor free for 30 days. If you have some questions, please contact us and we will provide you with all the necessary information.

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