marketplace integration

Updated 22 July 2024 |

What is Marketplace Integration?

Marketplace integration means the process of developing a connection between eCommerce software with any marketplace. It enables to get access to the data from e-stores listed on those marketplaces. Without this kind of connection, the services like, for example, shipping management, order and inventory management, marketing automation, WMS, ERP, repricing software, etc., can not work with retailers’ stores and perform their vital functions.

In other words, with the help of high-quality integration with various marketplaces, it is possible to retrieve, add, delete and sync the data on products, orders, customers, shipments that are placed in e-stores of those retailers that use these sales channels for promoting their goods.

The smooth connection with multiple marketplaces is beneficial and vital for B2B eCommerce solutions and enterprises of different kinds. To help e-store owners organize and automate their e-retail business, various software solutions need to access their customers' store databases. We are talking about inventory and order management, mobile app building, marketing automation, repricing, shipping management, and other similar software. And this is impossible without developing a smooth marketplace integration.

However, developing integration is not so easy. It requires a lot of investigations, considerable budgets, further maintenance, and qualified staff.

The Main Difficulties of Marketplace Integrations Development

The development of the integration with marketplaces requires a lot of developers' efforts and time. Moreover, it costs thousands of dollars to companies that need it.

The main issues that you need to take into consideration if you are going to develop the integration on your own are:

  • The integration demands skilled and experienced tech specialists and advanced knowledge of development. It is hard to find a qualified dev team in the short term.
  • Each one of the marketplaces has its own API with unique architecture and specific. For instance, the API of the eBay marketplace is not uniform. It means that various types of resources, like, for example, orders and products, have different data formats.
  • The development of integration with only one marketplace can take more than a few months of your developers' time. Moreover, it requires previous investigations of the marketplace specifics.
  • Integration development is only the first step. As marketplaces can make different changes connected with their APIs, you will have to take care of the further connection maintenance and upgrading. This task also needs the work of qualified developers.

The easiest and cheapest way to integrate your software with eBay, Etsy, Amazon, and Walmart is to use API2Cart. It is a unified shopping platform API integration interface.

With API2Cart, you can save your money, time and efforts. Also, you won’t need to hire a great team of professional developers for building integration with various shopping platforms and marketplaces.

Amazon Integration With the Help of API2Cart

When it comes to developing connection with Amazon, there are a lot of benefits that eCommerce software providers can enjoy. First, integrating your solution with Amazon allows you to get all the data from the e-stores listed there.

Second, having a reliable connection with Amazon allows you to make your software's functionality available to all e-merchants that use it. This means that you will be able to grow your customer base extremely fast.

Besides, Amazon integration will allow you to expand your market share and become successful in the eCommerce markets of different countries.

Using API2Cart, you can integrate your B2B software with Amazon easily. API2Cart supports all the necessary API methods. With their help, your system will be able to retrieve and manage all the data from this marketplace effectively and fast.

Let’s explore them below:

  • for working with cart: cart.create/ list/ validate/ delete/ info
  • for working with the product data: product.list/ count/ info/ update/ child_item.list
  • for working with the orders: order.list/ count/ info

The detailed info on how to connect Amazon to API2Cart you can find in 'Amazon Connection Instruction'.

eBay Integration With the Help of API2Cart

The development of the integration with the eBay marketplace can be much easier if to use API2Cart. API2Cart has a great variety of API methods that you can perform during working with the data from eBay:

  • for working with cart: cart.create/ list/ validate/ delete/ methods/ info
  • for working with the product data: product.list/ count/ fields/ add/ update/ image.add/ image.delete/ child_item.list/ variant.update/ variant.delete
  • for working with the categories: category.list/ count/ info
  • for working with the orders: order.list/ count/ info/ update/ status.list/ financial_status.list/ shipment.add

The info on how to start working with eBay you can find in 'eBay Connection Instruction'.

Etsy Marketplace API Integration With the Help of API2Cart

More than 2 million sellers from 234 countries sell their goods through this marketplace. Therefore, developing a connection with Etsy can help eCommerce software companies like yours dramatically increase market share and expand their customer pool. Connection with Etsy allows you to offer high-end software services to millions of e-merchants using this marketplace.

Many software providers want to integrate with Etsy as it has great potential in the eCommerce market. With API2Cart, you can connect with this marketplace with no difficulties too.

Let’s explore API2Cart API methods that you can use for retrieving and managing the data from Etsy:

  • for working with cart: cart.create/ list/ validate/ delete/ methods/ info
  • for working with the product data: product.list/ count/ info/ fields/ add/ update/ delete/ image.add
  • for working with the categories: category.list/ count/ info

The info on how to start working with Etsy you can find in 'Etsy Connection Instruction'.

Walmart Integration With the Help of API2Cart

Using API2Cart, you can also integrate your eCommerce software with Walmart.

Walmart marketplace is a platform for e-merchants to list and sell their products. Additionally, it is one of the main competitors of eBay and Amazon. Walmart has more than 140,000 active e-stores around the globe. For example, it is very popular in USA, India, United Kingdom, Brazil, Germany and Italy.

Discover API methods provided by API2Cart that you can use for retrieving and managing the data from this marketplace:

  • for working with cart: cart.create/ list/ validate/ delete/ methods
  • for working with the product data: product.list/ count/ info
  • for working with the orders: order.list/ count/ info/ update/ status.list/ shipment.list

Find the info on how to start working with Walmart and manage the data from it 'Walmart Connection Instruction'.


So, marketplace integration is essential for the successful activity of those software and app providers that propose their services for online retailers. It is highly important for shipping management, marketing automation, order and inventory management, dropship automation software, and other similar eCommerce solutions.

The development of connection with Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and the other different marketplaces is very important. It allows the B2B software to access all the necessary data from the marketplaces' databases and manage it through their systems.

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that the development of integration with the main marketplaces available on the market is necessary for those software vendors who want to be successful in 2024. However, this process is not so easy. It requires a lot of your time and other resources.

So, if you want to connect to various marketplaces quickly, you can do it with the help of API2Cart unified API.

marektplace integration via api2cart

API2Cart provides flexible pricing. In addition, we have detailed API docs, more than 100 methods for managing the data and 24/7 customer support.

Moreover, we allow you to test our full functionalities for free for a period of 30 days. To learn more, book a free demo with one of our managers today.

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