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Khrystyna Oliinyk

API2CART makes inventory synchronization faster and easier Setting accurate inventory synchronization across different stores is probably the biggest challenge dropshipping automation software vendors face when developing their systems. Merchants build stores on different shopping carts and use few additional sales channels, like Amazon or eBay. Moreover, they collaborate with different...

Khrystyna Oliinyk

API2Cart offers simple options for automated order import from stores To automate order shipping and fulfillment for online retailers, shipping management software need to automate order import from stores in the first. Setting automated order import from online stores is probably the main challenge Shipping Management Software owners face when...

Khrystyna Oliinyk

When it comes to the B2B marketing space here in 2019, there are lots of different angles you can take. You could opt for tried-and-tested routes that have proven to work over and over again but may not be so popular as they once were; nor yield a higher return,...

Khrystyna Oliinyk

Nowadays, eCommerce business owners can simplify shipping workflow thanks to the shipping management software. In particular, they can automate label printing, processing and tracking orders, etc. With many eCommerce shipping software providers available on the market, retailers became more picky and choosy about such solutions. Fortunately, you can stand ahead...

Khrystyna Oliinyk

We are glad to be back with our fresh monthly eCommerce news for you. Sit back and enjoy the most interesting B2B eCommerce articles e-world has talked about during the last month: 5 ways B2B marketers can champion gender diversity 3 essential tips to engage best-fit prospects with your B2B...

Khrystyna Oliinyk

Nowadays, building a mobile app for a web store is easier, simpler and more affordable. Using mobile app building system online store owners can create and publish their own mobile apps without the hassle of knowing how to code the app itself. As e-retailers build their stores based on different...

Khrystyna Oliinyk

For B2B marketers, reaching target audiences is a laborious and complicated task. They need to juggle between various channels and campaigns, at the same time analyzing a large volume of data in order to be able to tailor their efforts to suit different audience segments. That’s where marketing automation comes...

Khrystyna Oliinyk

Today, customers have a plethora of choices of where to buy a product. In an effort to meet the expectations of demanding consumers, retailers need to devise new strategies and ways to enhance customer engagement. Research findings, published by FDIH (Danish Ecommerce Association), indicate that 81% of shoppers will leave...

Khrystyna Oliinyk

Online retail is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world. According to the report, the global eCommerce market is projected to grow to almost $3.5 trillion in 2019. It owes much of its success to the latest tech advancements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in particular. New solutions enabled...

Khrystyna Oliinyk

According to the report, 67% of marketing leaders are already using at least one marketing automation platform and a further 21% planned to start using one in 2019. The main advantage of this platform is that it automates and simplifies many manual and laborious tasks marketers do. What is also...

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