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API Technology

Anastasia Kholod

Here, at API2Cart blog we have written dime a dozen words about API documentation, its importance, best practices and much more. It seems that this topic is endless, and even more could be said concerning doc building. Writing good API documentation from scratch is the one that frightened many developers....

Anastasia Kholod

Monday. Morning. That’s it, another working week has begun. What do you associate Monday morning with? Your apartment is like the land of nod and sleepy figure scrapes feet along the floor to switch the electric kettle on. Then, the smell of hot and aromatic coffee wakes you little up...

Anastasia Kholod

Nowadays, many agonize over the peculiarities and tips of API documentation creation. And no wonder it’s like a mirror that exactly reflects your API’s “soul”. So, while designing the API you have to concentrate a lot on docs and especially on details. This topic has caused a lot of talks...

Anastasia Kholod

Are you willing to build a new app and the idea of exploring a third-party APIs bothers you? Then, this list of API Directories will be a real hand of help. Go through them and feel free to add your favorite if we miss one. Top API Directories Programmable Web...

Anastasia Kholod

Do you sometimes find yourself as Keanu Reeves from The Matrix in the raining down code when you forced to go through the long log files to track the users’ errors? Well, I did, and I can claim for sure that it’s not a pleasant experience at all. However, it...

Anastasia Kholod

Looking back on the early days of Application Programming Interface, the deal was only in deploying and consuming. But nowadays, API universe is expanding day by day offering new approaches and tools to provide various services with API design in the center. It can be defined as everything that goes...

Anastasia Kholod

Recently, we’ve begun a series of blog posts called “The Five Axioms of the API Economy”. It is a joint post written by Craig Burton, one of the leading visionaries and analysts in the computer industry and Steven Willmott, CEO at 3scale. Each week one of the axioms was presented...

Anastasia Kholod

Paints, brushes, palettes, and other artist’s stuff appear to be rather modest things for an average person. However, in the hand of a master like Leonardo da Vinci, they are instruments used for masterpieces ('The Last Supper' is the most significant, isn't it?). Just like these instruments, Application Programming Interface...

Anastasia Kholod

Have you heard about 5 Axioms of the API Economy? It is a joint post written by Craig Burton, one of the leading visionaries and analysts in the computer industry and Steven Willmott, CEO at 3scale. Today, continuing these series of blog posts, I want to present you the fourth...

Anastasia Kholod

Today I want to present you the third Axiom continuing the series of “The Five Axioms of the API Economy”. It appears to be a joint post written by Craig Burton, one of the leading visionaries and analysts in the computer industry and Steven Willmott, CEO at 3scale. Enjoy the...

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