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Anastasia Kholod

Probably the most flexible discount management you will ever find is that of Magento. This is one of the major reasons why thousands of merchants and enterprises opt for this shopping cart. The good news is that you have one more card up your sleeve now, which is access to...

Anastasia Kholod

Data is driving business growth and opportunities, but only for those who know how to handle data efficiently. It is particularly true of eCommerce business, as it involves processing large amounts of data. All valuable information about an eCommerce site, including product descriptions, customer data and reviews, inventory levels, and...

Anastasia Kholod

In today’s eCommerce-driven world, the variety of trade channels and opportunities is truly huge and continues to grow. E-retailers use every means to reach customers: own e-store, marketplaces, wholesaling, mass media, social media, etc. The rise of eCommerce has also resulted in the cornucopia of software solutions for e-retailers which...

Anastasia Kholod

When dealing with order fulfilment, you will run into some specific terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. To save you the time you would spend looking for the definitions, we have picked out basic and advanced order fulfilment terms and gathered them here for you. 3PL (Third-Party Logistics) is a provider of...

Anastasia Kholod

API Digest is here again with the traditional at-a-glance survey of interesting and useful API news, articles and insights of the last fortnight. In today’s issue you will find a brief overview of the following themes: why developers don’t like writing docs, APIs fuel a cultural shift in businesses, a...

Anastasia Kholod

We are excited to present a new series on the API2Cart Blog - B2B eCommerce Monthly. In the series, we will overview the useful and the important of B2B eCommerce related news and articles. If you are a B2B software vendor, e-retailer, or just somehow involved or interested in eCommerce,...

Anastasia Kholod

Maintaining a solid B2B integration strategy is critical for companies that want to efficiently exchange and communicate data with their partners, suppliers, and customers. Many vendors are investing in the latest B2B integration technologies, wishing to cut costs and integrate their applications with trading partners. B2B integration typically implies taking...

Anastasia Kholod

The growth of the eCommerce industry, increasing consumer demands, and retailers’ efforts to get more profits and increase efficiency - these factors drive the popularity of omnichannel retailing that has proved to be an effective approach to expanding a business quickly. The Rise of Multichannel eCommerce Selling To keep pace...

Lexy Mayko

It seems like product data has deeply entwined with every possible aspect of the retail business. It is what buyers consider when deciding whether to buy this or that item or not, what sellers treasure as a primary customer attraction, and what B2B vendors cannot do without delivering services to...

Anastasia Kholod

eCommerce business is highly interconnected and interdependent, especially it is true of B2B services as they mostly rely on shopping carts. Running this kind of business in isolation can hardly be effective. Such applications need customer, order, product and other actionable data to run their core processes, whether it is...

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